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Troubleshooting Saving Errors

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If you find yourself unable to save your changes in the Demoboost Editor (the loader is spinning endlessly), it's likely the issue is rooted in your device or internet connection. Please try performing the steps outlined below to resolve the issue:

  • Make sure you're not connected to the Internet via a VPN or any connection that could restrict communication with our servers. Try using a different internet connection, such as a mobile hotspot.
  • Make sure you have the correct date and timezone set up on your system - modified dates and times can cause issues with server communication.
  • Try to save the screen in Incognito mode.

-If the screen saves correctly, the issue is likely caused by one of the browser extensions, as they can interfere with the product. Use the Demoboost Editor with extensions disabled, in incognito mode, or on a different browser/browser profile.

If the above steps didn't resolve the issue:

Step 1: Create a new demo, and capture a simple webpage (refer to the Capturing screens guide), such as Try making changes to that simple screen and see if the issue occurs there as well - this will allow us to determine whether the issue is demo-specific.

Step 2: Go back to the demo you were trying to save initially. Open up the browser console (Ctrl+Shift+J on Windows, Command+Option+J on Mac). Record a short video showing what happens in the console as the screen is saving.

  • If no way to record, take a screenshot after ~15 seconds. Make sure all of the console is visible - take multiple screenshots if necessary.

Step 3: Refresh the page. Open up the console and navigate to the Network tab. Record a short video showing what happens in the Network tab as you attempt to save the screen.


  • If no way to record, take a screenshot after ~15 seconds. Make sure all of the Network tab is visible - take multiple screenshots if necessary.

Step 4: Get in touch with us at - include the following questionnaire:

-Link to the demo

-Screen you're trying to save

-Does the issue occur in another demo?

-Video/screenshot of Console:

-Video/screenshot of Network