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How to Capture Screens

Effortlessly kickstart your journey with our beginner-friendly guides!

Step 1: Open up the Demoboost extension.

Step 2: Select the demo that you'd like to add the screens to.

Step 3: Name your screen. You can change the name later, and the screens will be automatically numbered, so it doesn't have to be descriptive.

Step 4: Click on the capture screen for the demo.

Step 5: The capture process will start. Make sure you don't leave the webpage or click anywhere until the capture is finished.

Step 6: Once it's done, you'll see the appropriate message and the screen will appear in your demo.

  • You can speed up this process by assigning a keyboard shortcut for the extension and using your keyboard to go through the creation process.

Step 1: Open up the extension settings - click on the three-dot button in the top-right corner of the browser, choose More tools, and then Extensions.

Step 2: Navigate to the Keyboard Shortcuts tab.

Step 3: Assign a shortcut for the Demoboost extension.

Step 4: Copy the exact demo name to your clipboard

Step 5: Perform the following keystrokes:

  • Your shortcut (in my case, Ctrl+Q)
  • Tab 3 times
  • Ctrl+V
  • Enter
  • Tab
  • Type in screen name
  • Enter
  • Tab
  • Enter