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Analytics Overview

Analytics gathers all data from all of the leads that have seen your demo and provide you with a summary of those results.

In order to access analytics, choose the demo you would like to analyze, and click “Analytics” tab:

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Step 1: Open up the Demo details

Step 2: Navigate to the Analytics tab

Step 3: You can view the analytics page

  • By using the above analytics page, you have access to the following data
  • Sessions - the total number of sessions for this demo
  • Avg. Demo Rating - the average of demo ratings left by the users at the end of an on-demand session (1-5)
  • Avg. NPS - the average of scores left by the users in the feedback form at the end of on-demand sessions for the question "How likely are you to recommend this product to others (from 1-10)
  • Demo completion rate - the average of how much of the demo the users went through
  • Engagement score - the average of Session Scores (a measure of how engaged a person is with your demo)

You can also see the above data as graphs, just below the statistics

You can also use the Filtering options just below the navigation tabs to see data from specific timespans.