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How to Assign a Variable

How to Assign a Variable

To assign a new variable to an existing element in your web application, start by selecting the desired Overlay. From there, click Select, click on the desired element, and notice the changes in the variables list. A new variable has been assigned. Finally, save and present.

Step 1:  Open the extension and select an overlay that was built by you or one of your teammates.

Step 2:  Navigate to the element you would like to assign a variable to. Variable scan be assigned to text and images.

Step 3:  Click Select in the pop-up window.

Step 4:  Click on the chosen element on the screen

Step 5:  Navigate to the variable on the list in the pop-up and rename it. Notice Outbound Campaigns.

Step 6:  Click on the variable value field and change its value, Save and Present.

Congratulations! The Overlay is now adapted to your needs. You are ready for the live call!