Step 1: First, duplicate your demo by following the instructions in the 'Duplicate Demo Template Guide.' Click on the three-dot button next to your demo's name and select the 'Duplicate' option to create a copy in another language.
Step 2: Name your duplicate accordingly
Step 3: Open the duplicated demo in the editor by first navigating to the Demos page, selecting the demo you want to edit, and then clicking on the 'Edit' option within the Demo Details.
Step 4: Right-click within the Editor and click on Translate to...
-The option might not show up if you right-click an image - if that's the case, right click on some other spot in the Editor.
Step 5: By default, the page will be translated to your system's language. You can choose another language by clicking on the three-dot button in the top-right corner of the translation popup that appears in the top-right corner of your browser.
Step 6: You'll notice that the page has been translated. Open up the speaker notes.
Step 7: Save the screen
Step 8: Go to the next screen and save it as well - continue until all screens have been saved while translated.
Step 9: Refresh the page to turn off the automatic translation - the screen itself should stay translated.