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Demo Email Notifications

Effortlessly kickstart your journey with our beginner-friendly guides!

  • Every time somebody views a demo shared via a link (on-demand - to find out more visit the Share demo guide), the owner of the demo will receive an email notification
  • You'll also receive notifications about comments (to find out more visit the guide about Comments) left on your demo by the viewers, depicted in Screenshot 2.
  • Since the notifications are sent via email, you can integrate them with other communication channels that support email forwarding. Here's an example for Slack:
  • If you'd like to stop receiving notifications, you can set up a filter in your email client.

Here's how to do it for Gmail:

Step 1: Click the Filters button on the right side of the search bar.

Step 2: Enter "" into the From text field

Step 3: Click on Create filter

Step 4: Check the Delete it option and click on Create filter

  • You can also use the 'Categorize as' filtering option to automatically move notifications into a separate folder rather than instantly deleting them.