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How to Share Demos

On-demand demos are demos intended to be viewed asynchronously - instead of presenting a demo during a meeting, you can simply send a link for the potential customer to check it out themselves whenever they want.

Note: that you don't have to create separate demos for sharing and presenting live - all demos can be used in any of the two "modes".

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To share a demo in on-demand mode:

Step 1: Open the Demo Page

Step 2: Open up the Demo Details of the demo.

Step 3: Click on Share

Step 4: A Share modal will appear. You can copy the link there and send it out to your potential customers. The viewers don't need a Demoboost account to view the demo.

Step 5: You can also set up the Demo privacy settings to restrict access to the demo:

Example: You can choose the public with a lead form before sharing the link with the customer

  • Public with lead form will require the viewer to fill out a lead form before accessing the demo
  • The data input into that form will be fed into the demo analytics

Privacy settings

There are different privacy settings from which you can choose while sharing a demo.

  • Public - anybody with the link can see and experience your demo
  • Public with lead form - anybody with the link can see the demo if they fill out a short form
  • Restricted - specific email - only specific email can see the demo
  • Restricted - specific domain - only a specific domain can see the demo