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How to Duplicate Demos

Effortlessly kickstart your journey with our beginner-friendly guides!

  • This guide assumes you're using the recommended folder structure discussed in the guide about folders

Step 1: Open the Demo templates folder

Step 2: Locate the template you wish to copy and click on the three-dot button next to its name

Step 3: Select a duplicate

Step 4: Rename your copy - we recommend adding a tag with your name in front of the demo's name

Step 5: After creating the copy, select the demo and click 'Move to folder' to place it in your own folder.

Step 6: To navigate outside the Demo Templates folder, click the back arrow in the top-left corner.

Step 7: Select your folder and move the demo there.

Step 8: The copy will now be available in your folder. You can customize it in any way you want without affecting the original template.