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Presales Academy

At Demoboost, we're more than just a tool – we're your trusted demo building partner and expert.

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Join forces with our extensive network of partners and demo thought leaders to maximize the impact of your interactive demos.

Expert Guidance:

Receive expert guidance and support to ensure you extract the full potential from your demos, empowering your presentations and engagements like never before.


Upcoming Sessions

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Congratulations on taking the first step into demo automation by installing the right software. You anticipate increased conversion rates, enhanced customer engagement, and improved personalization while saving time and cutting labor costs.

Now, focus on crafting compelling interactive demos. Avoid relying solely on traditional person-led demo content, as mistakes in demo automation can be costly.

Join our upcoming webinar with Marco Boon, who will share tips on adapting your demos to engage and convert prospects effectively. Learn how to refine your content using the Great Demo methodology before automating, ensuring maximum impact and goal achievement.

25-04-2024 | Thursday
3pm CET      45 mins
Sign Up
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In Patrick Pissang's 45-minute session, attendees learn to revolutionise sales strategies by creating impactful Provocative Points of View (PPOV). The training covers crafting memorable messages that challenge the status quo and resonate with clients. This essential skill set aims to build long-term trust and secure a competitive edge in any industry. Join to transform your approach and make a significant impact in your career.

06-06-2024 | Thursday
3pm CET      45 mins
Sign Up
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In a very short yet sweet session, we will go through the most important ingredients needed for "Mastering Demonstration” pie!

- To get some apples for our pie, we need to stop chopping Value Trees-
I piece of advice to talk to your very next call (or when making something sweet) :)
- How to get in touch with me to learn more!

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On demand content

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  • Demo Automation
  • Sales Demos
  • Webinars
Demo Automation Mastery: Elevate Engagement & Conversion Rates
Pam Dunn, Nikhil Sarma
2 Mins

What was your experience with introducing Demo Automation to your team?

Demo Automation Mastery: Elevate Engagement & Conversion Rates
Pam Dunn
SE Leader
1 Min

How did you gain stakeholder support for Demo Automation?

Demo Automation Mastery: Elevate Engagement & Conversion Rates
Nikhil Sarma
GTM Solutions Consulting
2 Mins

What obstacles did you face advocating for Demo Automation?

Demo Automation Mastery: Elevate Engagement & Conversion Rates
Nikhil Sarma
GTM Solutions Consulting
7 Mins

What strategies did you use to align teams for Demo Automation?

Demo Automation Mastery: Elevate Engagement & Conversion Rates
Pam Dunn, Nikhil Sarma
3 Mins

What strategies help overcome resistance to Demo Automation?

Demo Automation Mastery: Elevate Engagement & Conversion Rates
Nikhil Sarma
GTM Solutions Consulting
2 Mins

What Advice Would You Give for Implementing Demo Automation?

Demo Automation Mastery: Elevate Engagement & Conversion Rates
Paul Harris
Presales Leader
14 Mins

How To Give Better Demos With Product Storytelling

Demo Automation Mastery: Elevate Engagement & Conversion Rates
Marco Boon
‍The DemoScene
24 Mins

Demo Automation Mastery: Elevate Engagement & Conversion Rates

Storytelling Fundamentals by Paul Harris, PreSales Leader
Paul Harris
Presales Leader
17 Mins

Storytelling Fundamentals by Paul Harris, PreSales Leader

Stand out with your demo by creating a provocative point of view
Patrick Pissang
CEO, Founder and Lead Trainer
48 Mins

Stand out with your demo by creating a provocative point of view

How to give product demo that sell
Tim broome, Jan-Erik Jank
Podcast Hosts and authors
@SE Rockstars
15 Mins

How to give product demo that sell
Part - 1

How to give product demo that sell
Tim broome, Jan-Erik Jank
Podcast Hosts and authors
@SE Rockstars
15 Mins

How to give product demo that sell
Part - 2

How to give product demo that sell
Tim broome, Jan-Erik Jank
Podcast Hosts and authors
@SE Rockstars
14 Mins

How to give product demo that sell
Part - 3

How to Reduce Sales Cycle by Mastering the Art of Software Demos
Lizzie Chapman,
Dimitris Adamidis
@RevOps Venture
68 Mins

How to Reduce Sales Cycle by Mastering the Art of Software Demos

How Useful Are Demos for Complex B2B Sales? - Part I
Ryan CB Kim
Founder & CEO
@ Stride
14 Mins

How Useful Are Demos for Complex B2B Sales? - Part I

How Useful Are Demos for Complex B2B Sales? - Part II
Ryan CB Kim
Founder & CEO
@ Stride
8 Mins

How Useful Are Demos for Complex B2B Sales? - Part II

Talks to Sales