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How to Add Speaker Notes

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Speaker notes are a Live Sessions feature that helps you deliver the perfect demo every time.

As the name suggests, they are notes that you set up before running a demo, which you can access at any time - you can move them to another screen or share your screen in a specific way while presenting (more on that later), so that your potential customer doesn't see them.

To add speaker notes to a screen:

Step 1: Open the demo screen

Step 2: Choose the demo

Step 3: Open up the demo in the Editor

Step 4: Click on the Add speaker notes button in the top bar.

Step 5: Enter your speaker notes and save them

To access speaker notes while running a session:

Step 1: Expand the toolbar in the bottom-right corner

Step 2: Click on the booklet icon

Step 3: The speaker notes will now be opened. They're synced with the currently shown screen, so if you navigate to another screen, the speaker notes for that particular screen will be shown

To share your screen without the speaker notes (Google Meets example):

Step 1: Navigate to the Window tab and choose the window with your demo

Step 2: Click on Share your screen

Since this screen sharing option will only show a specific window, and the speaker notes are opened in another window, the notes won't be visible for the viewer

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