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How to Embed Demos on Your Website

Would you like to place a demo on your website so that every visitor can see it? It is possible with Demoboost! We generate ready-to-use code that you can embed in the source code of your website.

You will need a basic understanding of HTML to implement it.

Effortlessly kickstart your journey with our beginner-friendly guides!

To embed a demo in a website, below are the steps need to follow:

Step 1: From the Demos page, open up the demo you'd like to embed

Step 2: Click on Embed

Step 3: Copy the embed code

Step 4: Modify the embed code by adding some styles - otherwise, the embedded demo will be tiny

  • For a basic modification, add the following attribute to the iframe code:

style="width:100%; height:100%; border:none;"


<iframe src=""></iframe>


<iframe src="" style="width:100%; height:100%; border:none;"></iframe>

Step 6: Add the modified code to the website's code.

  • The embedded demo inherits the On-Demand demo settings. For more information, visit the guides about presentation settings & demo sharing