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How to Embed Demos from Specific Screen

  • Demos can be initiated from a specific screen; they don't necessarily have to start on the first screen. This can be achieved by making slight modifications to the demo URL, making it useful in various scenarios.

For example:

  • Starting a Live Session and an On-demand session on a different screen.
  • Linking to multiple demos from Speaker Notes while skipping the introductory screens.
  • Initiating an on-demand demo on the screen most relevant to a particular customer.

For live sessions, you can simply start the live session before you begin your presentation, and then navigate to the screen you'd like to begin from. When it comes to on-demand sessions (including embedded demos), you have the option to specify the starting screen by appending the 'start screen' parameter to the demo URL. For more details, please refer to the 'Share demos' guide.

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Step 1: Open up the Demo Details page

Step 2: Append ?startScreen=X to the demo URL, where X is the number of the screen you wish to start at, counting from 0.



Step 3: For embedded demos (refer to Embed guide), append the parameter to the demo URL present in the src attribute.

Before: <iframe src="" ></iframe >

After: <iframe src="" ></iframe >