Considering demo automation? Test drive Demoboost for free!
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Demo Building and Custom Requests

This is more of a message to the customers than a guide.

  • We can expedite the implementation of Demoboost in your organization by assisting you in creating a demo gallery.
  • This can involve either creating demos from scratch or implementing advanced custom features that leverage Demoboost's flexibility with the demos you've already built. This will significantly expedite the process of expanding your demo gallery and ensure that your demos look stunning without requiring any coding on your part.
  • If you'd like us to build a demo from scratch for you, we'll need the following information:

Effortlessly kickstart your journey with our beginner-friendly guides!

-The demo script

-Credentials to access your product (not necessary if you have a free trial)

If you'd like to request a demo or discuss custom functionality implementation.

Example demo galleries built for our users

  • SAP - Turnaround time: 4 business days
  • BigCommerce - Turnaround time: 2 business days

Example custom functionalities:

  • SAP - interactive chatbot
  • SAP - interactive search
  • Celonis - interactive slider
  • Celonis - interactive action flow