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Branding - SSO Integration

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The request can be made by sending an email to or

Subject: SSO request - [Company Name]


Please enable SSO for Demoboost for my company, [Company Name].

The name of the attribute in SAML with the email address of the user: [Name of attribute]

Link to metadata document: [Link]


  • In response, you'll receive the following details:

Identifier (Entity ID)

Reply URL

  • These will allow you to create an AzureAD enterprise application SAML SSO.
  • After the process is completed by both sides, the URL [yourcompany] will redirect to, and enable you to log in with your company's SSO provider.


Azure Active Directory Enterprise SSO;

Automatic user provisioning

SAML 2.0 is the SSO protocol of choice.

SSO Login Example: