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How to Edit Graphs

  • Charts can be implemented in many ways, and as such, can be edited in many ways

The First method is to simply take a screenshot of the chart, edit it in any image editing software, and then re-upload the edited image into Demoboost as the replacement. (Editing Image)

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Step 1: Open up the demo in the Editor

Step 2: Take a screenshot of the chart

Step 3: Open up the screenshot in any image editing software and make your changes, then save the new image.

Step 4: In Demoboost Editor, click on the chart and choose Change

Step 5: Upload your modified chart image

The Second method is with CSS & inspector, ("Introduction to Inspector" guide)

Step 1: Open up the demo in the Editor

Step 2: Right-click the chart part you'd like to change and click on Inspect

Step 3: Make sure the correct part is selected by hovering over it in the inspector and checking the blue outline in the Editor

Step 4: Change the colour by adding the stroke: [COLOR]; and fill: [COLOR]; properties. Refer to the chart style infographic.

Step 5: For the legend, you can add the background-color and border-color properties (refer to the chart style infographic).

  • If neither of the above options is feasible (as some charts may not be easily stylized with CSS or replaced with images), you can try using the 'filter: hue-rotate()' CSS property on the chart's container. This property allows you to adjust the color of the content. Experiment with different values until you achieve the desired effect