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How to Edit Textual Elements

Effortlessly kickstart your journey with our beginner-friendly guides!

  • To change the text in the Demoboost Editor (CTRL +S)

Step 1: Open up the demo in the Editor.

Step 2: Click on the text you wish to replace.

Step 3: Edit your text and apply any styling you'd like. You can:

  • Change the size
  • Change the colour
  • Bold the text
  • Italicize the text
  • Underscore the text
  • Change the text into bullet points

Step 4: You can also mass-replace text on the screen with the Find & Replace feature. To do that, click on Find & replace on the top bar.

Step 5: Enter the original text and the target text, then click on Replace All.

Step 6: All instances of the original text will be replaced on the screen. Keep in mind this doesn't work on all screens at once - only the one you're currently on.