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Top 9 Picks for Demo Automation Software in 2024

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Traditional product demos often require significant time and resources, making them ineffective. Meanwhile, demo automation streamlines the demo process, enhances client engagement, and provides invaluable data-driven insights.

Demo automation software helps create interactive, personalised, and scalable product demos that prospects can access conveniently. In the end, it comes down to selecting the right software to suit your needs.

Here, we’ll explore the best demo automation tools. We aim to simplify the options available and help you find the perfect tool. Let’s begin.

Types of Demo Automation Software

Each type of demo automation software offers distinct advantages depending on your business needs and the specific stage of your target sales funnel. Understanding these options lets you decide which tool is best for your team.

1. Video-Based Demo Automation

Video-based demo automation uses advanced video features to create engaging, automated product demos. These tools often incorporate natural language processing, interactive questionnaires, and dynamic content delivery to tailor the demo experience to individual users.


  • This provides self-service demos that prospects can access anytime.
  • It enhances engagement with personalised video content.
  • It reduces the frequency of live demo presentations, saving time for sales teams.


  • It requires a comprehensive and well-maintained video library.
  • The videos may not fully replace the need for live interactions in complex sales scenarios.

2. Interactive Product Tours

Interactive product tour software captures your product's front-end code to create guided walkthroughs. These tours allow prospects to explore your product interactively. They offer a more immersive and informative experience than traditional screenshots.


  • This provides an ungated, in-depth look at your product.
  • It engages prospects who are hesitant to request a live demo.
  • It also allows for controlled, tailored product experiences.


  • It does not offer a live product environment, which may be necessary for some prospects.
  • Creating and managing tours can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.

3. Live Application Overlays

Live application overlay software enhances live product demonstrations by overlaying prepopulated data onto existing demo environments. This approach allows sales teams to personalise demos on the fly. It uses real-time data without altering the underlying environment.


  • This eliminates the need for extensive demo environment cleanup.
  • It saves time by utilising existing demo setups with temporary data overlays.
  • It builds trust with prospects by demonstrating the actual product in a live environment.


  • It may require a longer setup and implementation period.
  • Some recurring configurations might be needed to maintain demo environments.

4. Sandbox and Proof of Concept Software

Sandbox and proof of concept (POC) software allows prospects to interact with a fully functional version of your product. These tools can create live product accounts with preconfigured data or clone your product’s code. It provides hands-on experience that helps pre-qualify leads.


  • This enables leads to experience the product firsthand, improving qualification accuracy.
  • It offers valuable analytics on how prospects engage with the product.
  • It promotes deeper engagement and helps close deals by offering a realistic trial experience.


  • It typically requires provisioning access to individual users.
  • It may need ongoing configuration to ensure a seamless experience.

Top 9 Demo Automation Software for 2024

1. Demoboost

Demoboost is an all-inclusive demo automation platform designed to streamline the entire demo process. It offers on-demand demo solutions and overlays for live demonstrations, ensuring that sales teams can deliver highly effective and engaging presentations. Beyond just a tool, Demoboost provides a complete methodology and services for perfecting demos.

Key Features:

  • On-Demand Demo Solutions: Create and deploy interactive, personalised demos that prospects can access anytime.
  • Live Demo Overlays: It enhances live demonstrations with real-time data overlays for a seamless and tailored demo experience.
  • Methodology and Services: Access expert services and proven methodologies to refine and perfect your demo presentations.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Rated #1 for ease of use by G2, Demoboost offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface to simplify demo creation and management.
  • Analytics and Insights: Gain valuable insights into demo performance and viewer engagement with comprehensive analytics.

Best For:

  • Sales professionals who need to deliver personalised and impactful demos that engage prospects and drive conversions.
  • Marketers looking to create interactive product tours and walkthroughs that enhance lead generation and qualification.
  • Enterprise and Mid-Market Companies with complex sales processes and diverse product offerings.
  • Companies looking for a complete demo automation solution that includes tools, methodology, and expert services.

2. Reprise

Reprise stands out as one of the best demo software platforms for the needs of enterprise sales and marketing teams. It allows users to create interactive and personalised software demos that can be adapted in real time. Reprise excels in offering extensive customisation capabilities and seamless integration with CRM and marketing tools.

Key Features:

  • Interactive and personalised demos to engage prospects and capture their attention.
  • Real-time content adaptation with Reprise Reveal™ for immersive user experience.
  • Seamless integration with popular CRM and marketing tools such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Marketo.
  • Versatile demo editing capabilities with Reprise Replay™ for capturing product demos.
  • High-fidelity demo cloning via Reprise Replicate™ to clone the core functionalities of their applications down to the code level.


  • Simplifies the creation process, saving time and resources for sales and marketing teams.
  • Facilitates productive sales conversations and can shorten sales cycles.
  • Promotes better teamwork between sales and marketing, ensuring consistent messaging.
  • Provides valuable data for refining sales and marketing strategies.


  • The initial setup and implementation can be complex and time-consuming.
  • Some level of technical skill is required to fully utilise the platform's capabilities.
  • It may be more expensive, potentially limiting accessibility for smaller businesses.

3. Consensus

Consensus is known for its dynamic video experience and personalised demonstrations tailored to each prospect's needs and interests. It focuses on providing engaging and informative demos that help prospects make informed decisions. 

By introducing the concept of "selling in between the meetings," Consensus allows prospects to interact with the product at their convenience. It aims to reduce unproductive demos and shorten the sales cycle.

Key Features:

  • Dynamic video experience for personalised video demos that adapt to each prospect's unique needs
  • Qualification questions to determine individual prospect needs, allowing sales teams to tailor their pitches effectively.
  • It provides easy-to-share video demos that are always available.
  • The choose your own journey feature that lets prospects navigate their learning experience
  • Stakeholder mapping to identify and prioritise key decision-makers within organisations
  • DemolyticsTM provides insights into the behaviour of stakeholders.


  • Its innovative selling approach lets prospects interact with the product on their own terms.
  • It helps shorten sales cycles by reducing unqualified demos by 89% and accelerating sales cycles by 29%.
  • Its fast turnaround time for demo recordings improves efficiency.


  • The "Choose Your Own Journey" functionality requires a comprehensive database of videos of varying durations.
  • Using Consensus in live demos is limited as it is not designed for key sales live demo use cases.
  • Global scalability can be hindered by creating new videos from scratch for different markets.

4. Navattic

Navattic is another demo automation software that focuses on providing interactive product demos designed for marketing teams. It allows users to create engaging, self-guided demos without the need for coding or engineering skills. By leveraging interactive guides and quick screen edits, Navattic helps marketing teams enhance user experience and optimise their sales funnel.

Key Features:

  • The self-guided demos empower prospects to explore the product at their own pace.
  • It optimises the marketing funnel to drive users directly to the product’s value proposition.
  • The sales enablement improves lead quality and accelerates the time to demo.
  • It helps replace static screenshots with interactive demos for an engaging first impression.
  • It allows marketing teams to create and customise demos without technical or engineering support.


  • Navattic offers complete control over demo text and visuals for personalised and tailored demo experiences.
  • It provides in-depth insights into user engagement so marketing teams can refine their strategies.
  • Integrates with marketing and CRM tools to enhance the overall marketing workflow.


  • It is not ideal for sales-oriented use cases, which may limit its application in some sales scenarios.
  • The platform has limited features for enhancing viewer engagement
  • It does not offer dedicated Customer Success support for demo creation.

5. Storylane

Storylane is a no-code demo automation platform designed to help businesses create engaging and personalised product demos quickly. It allows companies to showcase their products effectively, convert visitors, enhance adoption, and shorten sales cycles. With the ability to capture, edit, and share demos in as little as 10 minutes, Storylane provides prospects with interactive and informative product experiences.

Key Features:

  • Rapid interactive demo creation in under 10 minutes without any coding knowledge.
  • Integrates seamlessly with over 3000 tools, including platforms like HubSpot, Salesforce, and Marketo.
  • It provides an intuitive interface for editing text, images, and other demo elements without technical expertise.
  • Prospects can navigate through customised product flows to see how the product can meet their specific needs.
  • It offers password protection to secure demos and ensure they are accessible only to intended recipients.


  • Craft product demos even if you don't have design experience.
  • An immersive demo capability and comprehensive features at an affordable price.
  • It allows seamless collaboration in crafting and delivering demos.


  • Sometimes, the UX of the product is complicated.
  • The user interface is less intuitive than it could be in some areas.
  • Choices like mouse-over functionality are seen as a modern choice but not universally accepted.

6. Saleo

Saleo is designed to transform how software companies showcase their products during live sessions. Unlike other platforms that rely on simulations, Saleo uses the actual software for demos, ensuring a genuine and accurate experience. This approach eliminates the need for outdated environments and ensures data accuracy.

Key Features:

  • It provides authentic live demos using the actual software so that prospects can have an accurate and genuine experience.
  • A no-code AI modelling engine is used to manage all types of data, create detailed data stories, and refine workflows.
  • It allows for easy editing of every element within the demo for complete customisation.
  • It facilitates seamless teamwork in demo creation, improving collaboration and efficiency.


  • Saleo creates a precise replica of the platform to support live demo scenarios.
  • It offers extensive customisation options, allowing users to tailor demos to specific requirements.
  • It supports team collaboration for an efficient and cohesive demo creation.


  • Demos cannot be shared on-demand, limiting flexibility in their use.
  • Does not provide data or insights on demo performance.
  • Some advanced customisation options require a longer setup time.

7. Walnut

Walnut is the best demo software for cloud-based demo automation. It is designed to create and manage interactive product demos on the go. The platform emphasises ease of use by enabling the creation of demos without any coding. Walnut also provides valuable insights into how prospects interact with demos, helping businesses optimise their sales strategies and improve conversion rates.

Key Features:

  • On-demand demos for prospects to interact with your product directly on your website.
  • Live call demos during sales calls for a personalised touch to enhance buyer engagement.
  • Outreach demos to capture the interest of potential customers and differentiate your product.
  • Onboarding Demos to help new users familiarise themselves with your product quickly.
  • Demo personalisation to create and use reusable templates for quick customisation.


  • It allows for easy creation and personalisation of demos without requiring technical expertise.
  • Integrates well with popular tools such as Trello, Slack, Jira, and Google Drive.
  • It supports team collaboration and allows buyers to provide direct feedback on demos.


  • It cannot integrate videos, images, audio, or PDFs into the demo flow.
  • The lack of live demo analytics can be a drawback for sales teams.
  • Customer support for building demos is not free.

8. TestBox

TestBox is designed to enhance the sales and marketing process by providing AI-driven, personalised product demos and instant sandbox environments. This platform allows sales teams to generate live, custom demo environments and proofs of concept (POCs) on demand. 

Key Features:

  • AI-generated personalised demos to create interactive and tailored product demos.
  • Instant sandbox environments with realistic, anonymised data and functional integrations.
  • Quick proof of concept creation gives prospects a controlled environment for evaluating the product.
  • Real-time engagement analytics to track user interactions within the sandbox
  • Guided feature walkthroughs to guide users through each feature in a clear and concise manner.


  • TestBox creates highly personalised demos and POCs tailored to specific industries, personas, or use cases.
  • It uses AI to generate realistic data for a secure and authentic user experience.
  • It offers hands-on, live product demos that increase buyer engagement and accelerate sales.
  • Insightful analytics on user engagement to help sales teams prioritise leads.


  • Instances of product playgrounds failing to load or displaying errors are frustrating for users.
  • Some features may require specific browsers or extensions, which can be limiting for users.
  • Regular configuration updates may be necessary, adding to the operational workload.

9. Omedym

Omedym’s innovative approach to demo automation and providing real-time interaction makes it a powerful tool for enhancing the sales process. It transforms the sales process using existing content, such as demos, product videos, and customer testimonials. 

The platform enables sales teams to develop personalised digital sales rooms where prospects can explore products, interact with content, and communicate with sales representatives in real time.

Key Features:

  1. Every word in videos, demos, and PDFs is indexed and searchable so buyers can find specific information quickly.
  2. Sales reps can quickly create customised sales rooms that cater to specific buyer personas, industries, and products.
  3. The platform includes chat functions for real-time communication between buyers and sales teams.
  4. It seamlessly integrates with CRM systems, automating data entry and providing valuable insights into buyer behaviour.
  5. It captures and analyses every action prospects take, from searches to video views, for detailed insights.


  • Omedym enhances buyer engagement and allows prospects to explore products independently.
  • It automates repetitive sales tasks to make sales reps more productive.
  • It enables sales teams to engage with more prospects without increasing resources.


  • Digital sales rooms need to be provisioned for individual users, requiring ongoing configuration.
  • Although user-friendly, some users may require time to understand and fully utilise all features.
  • Some users find the platform initially challenging to navigate and require assistance.
  • Users have expressed a need for more flexibility in content management and customisation options.

Criteria for Selecting the Best Demo Automation Software

We analyse several crucial criteria to select the best demo automation tools to ensure they meet sales and marketing needs. Here are the main factors our team evaluated during the selection process:

  • Ease of use: The software should feature an intuitive interface, allowing users to create and manage demos without extensive training or technical expertise.
  • No-code customisation: We prefer platforms offering no-code or low-code customisation options, enabling teams to personalise demos quickly.
  • Interactive capabilities: The software must support interactive demos that engage prospects and provide a hands-on experience.
  • Personalisation: The ability to tailor demos to specific buyer personas, industries, and use cases is crucial for enhancing relevance and engagement.
  • Real-time interaction: Features like live chat and real-time collaboration tools are essential to facilitate direct communication between sales teams and prospects.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with CRM and other marketing tools is necessary to streamline workflows and ensure platform consistency.
  • Support and training: The availability of customer support, onboarding, and training resources is crucial to help users get the most out of the software.

How does Demoboost set the standard for demo automation?

Demoboost is an industry-leading demo automation platform offering various features and methodologies. Here’s how Demoboost stands out:

  • Comprehensive Methodology: Demoboost caters to any use case and touchpoint across the buying journey, including on-demand and live demos. This ensures that demos are delivered effectively throughout sales to enhance engagement and conversion rates.
  • Highest Buyer Engagement: Demoboost excels in buyer engagement by incorporating video narratives, comments, and multimedia integration. Combined with a robust methodology, these engaging features result in a median demo completion rate of 88% and an average Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 89.
  • Advanced Live Demo Support: The platform offers advanced live demo support, including speaker notes and live demo session analytics. These features help sales teams identify successful demo flows and improve their presentations.
  • Customer Support: Demoboost provides free and unlimited customer support for creating demo libraries. This ensures sales teams can build and maintain high-quality demo content without incurring additional costs.
  • Interactive and Customisable Demos: Demoboost allows for the creation of interactive product demos that can be personalised at scale using predefined templates. This customisation ensures that each demo is tailored to the specific needs.
  • On-Demand Access: The platform offers on-demand access to demos, allowing prospects to view them conveniently. This flexibility ensures potential buyers can engage with the product whenever they are ready.
  • Zero Time to Value: Demoboost ensures zero time to value by building your first demo before signing the contract. Unlike other platforms, the overlay requires no setup and is operational out of the box.


1. What is Demo Automation?

Demo automation involves using software to create, manage, and deliver product demonstrations efficiently. It streamlines the demo process by automating tasks such as personalisation, interactive elements, and real-time analytics, making demos more engaging and impactful for potential buyers.

2. How can SaaS companies benefit from demo automation?

SaaS companies can benefit from demo automation by providing personalised, interactive demos that engage prospects and showcase product value effectively. It reduces manual demo preparation, shortens sales cycles, and provides analytics to refine sales strategies.

3. What are some of the benefits of demo automation software?

Demo automation software offers numerous benefits, including enhanced buyer engagement, time savings, personalised and interactive demos, real-time analytics, and more. These features help sales teams deliver more effective presentations, improve lead conversion, and optimise sales processes.

Gautham Nagaraj
GTM Strategist

Gautham Nagaraj, an experienced inbound marketer, has excelled in SaaS and sales-tech domains, mastering digital marketing, data-driven decision-making, and efficient activations. His continuous presence in these dynamic fields yields valuable insights for tangible results.

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