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Top 7 Buyer Enablement Software Tools Every Sales Team Should Use in 2024

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The challenge for sales teams is navigating through complex sales cycles and providing the right information at the right time. Gartner reveals that 77% of B2B buyers find their purchasing process extremely complex and time-consuming. This sub-optimal buying experience often leads to missed opportunities and revenue loss on the vendor’s side. The strategic solution to this challenge lies in buyer enablement, which focuses on empowering buyers rather than applying push sales tactics.

Buyer enablement provides prospective buyers with all the knowledge, resources, and tools they need to make informed decisions when they need it. Buyer enablement software offers personalised content delivery, interactive product demos, and comprehensive knowledge bases. Vendors must provide content tailored to the buyer's stage in the purchase process, ensuring it is informative and manageable. 

Here, we'll explore the top buyer enablement tools every sales team should use. Let’s begin.

Buyer Enablement Software Website Key Feature G2 Rating

1. Demoboost

Tailored interactive demos that personalise the buyer experience


2. Membrain

Integrates content delivery, training, and coaching directly into the sales workflow


3. Showpad Content

Combines content management with interactive training features


4. Seismic

Automates content personalisation based on buyer interactions and preferences


5. 6Sense

Predictive AI to enhance account engagement and interactions


6. Conversica

AI-powered assistants to engage and nurture leads with personalised conversations.


9 Best Buyer Enablement Tools for Sales Teams

The right buyer enablement platform enhances buyer interactions by offering comprehensive insights, personalised content, and strategic alignment with buyer needs. Below, we explore the best of them for their robust features and capabilities.

1. Demoboost

Demoboost is a modern demo automation platform that offers personalised, interactive demos, comprehensive automation, and deep analytics. It lets buyers access content relevant to their needs on-demand. Its advanced features are designed to provide the buyer with only relevant content even before meeting the sales teams.


  • Tailored Interactive Demos: Demoboost personalised product demonstrations based on the specific roles and needs of various stakeholders, based on their use case, industries or needs.
  • Dynamic Content Delivery: The platform serves demo content dynamically based on initial stakeholder surveys to ensure that all information is highly relevant and targeted.
  • Hand-Held Experience: Demoboost let’s the buyers into the tool even before they meet the sales team. However all the demos are accompanied by video or text narratives, helping the buyer better understand the value in these un-assisted situations.
  • Live exchange with the vendor: the buyer can engage with the sales tool while in the demo. That can happen through the comments or integrated chatbots, creating the best experience at any stage of the journey. 

G2 Rating: 4.9/5

2. Membrain

Membrain's platform supports the sales team while also enhancing the buyer engagement. It allows the integration of sales collateral, training videos, and marketing materials. This ensures that salespeople can provide buyers with relevant information and resources exactly when they need it.


  • The content hub ensures that buyers receive relevant information at the right time
  • Creating and delivering personalised content based on buyer preferences.
  • Educational resources that empower buyers to understand features, benefits, and use cases
  • Stakeholder alignment addresses specific concerns and needs for a faster decision-making process.
  • Ongoing support and training for long-term buyer satisfaction and engagement.

G2 Rating: 4.6/5

4. Showpad Content

Showpad is a standout buyer enablement platform that emphasises personalised and interactive buyer communications. It offers tools that transform standard presentations into dynamic experiences with augmented reality and personalised content. It captivates buyers and provides deep insights into their engagement levels.


  • Showpad helps deliver highly customised content to each buyer, making conversations more engaging and effective.
  • The platform facilitates real-time interactions with buyers for secure collaboration and streamlined communication.
  • Showpad positions sales teams as trusted advisors by providing comprehensive training and coaching tools.
  • It provides detailed engagement analytics so sellers can tailor their approach to buyers' concerns and address their concerns more effectively.

G2 Rating: 4.6/5

5. Seismic

Seismic provides a comprehensive suite of tools to enhance the buyer's journey, making it more personalised and insightful. It ensures buyers receive precisely tailored information at the ideal moment, supporting informed and confident purchasing decisions. Its integration of personalised content, advanced analytics, and interactive experiences creates an engaging and efficient conversion path.


  • With advanced analytics and artificial intelligence, Seismic curates relevant and timely content for each buyer.
  • It automates content creation and distribution across all buyer touchpoints to enhance the buyer experience.
  • It supports engaging formats such as videos and interactive documents so buyers can learn more effectively.
  • Seismic’s DSRs allow sales reps to centralise content sharing and collaboration with buyers.

G2 Rating: 4.7/5

6. 6Sense

6sense is a leading buyer enablement platform powered by Revenue AI, designed to engage with potential buyers in a more meaningful way. It identifies accounts that are ready to buy to craft personalised messages, and automatically qualify and book meetings. It helps buyers receive relevant and timely information, making their purchasing journey smoother and more efficient.


  • The revenue AI identifies ready-to-buy accounts to ensure buyers receive the most relevant information at the right time.
  • It helps craft messages tailored to the specific needs and interests of each buyer.
  • It streamlines the connection between buyers and sales teams for timely interactions without delays.
  • The B2B database provides accurate, up-to-date information that aids buyers in making informed decisions.
  • It helps identify and engage anonymous buyers to guide them effectively through their purchasing journey.

G2 Rating: 4.1/5

7. Conversica

Conversica leverages advanced AI technology to facilitate meaningful, personalised interactions with potential buyers. Its AI-driven virtual assistants ensure that buyers receive timely and relevant information throughout their purchasing journey> It nurtures leads and empowers buyers to make informed decisions confidently.


  • Conversica’s AI assistants engage buyers in a human-like manner to provide personalised responses and follow-ups
  • The platform automates initial engagement with leads to ensure consistent contact and help buyers stay informed.
  • Its virtual assistant is available all the time to ensure uninterrupted assistance for buyers.
  • Conversica is capable of handling a large volume of interactions simultaneously, ensuring each buyer receives personalised attention.

G2 Rating: 4.5/5

How to choose the right buyer enablement platform for sales teams?

When selecting a buyer enablement platform for your sales team, the following features to make an informed decision:

1. Understand Your Needs

Evaluate your sales cycles for complexity and diversity. Understand the specific types of interactions and content like demos, calculators, and case studies that resonate with your buyers.

2. Go for Key Features

  • Content Management: Platforms should offer robust tools for efficiently organising, updating, and sharing content across sales teams.
  • Personalisation: Ability to customise content and interactions according to each buyer's specific interests and needs, enhancing relevance and engagement.
  • Analytics and Insights: Look for detailed, real-time analytics that can track buyer engagement and provide actionable insights, helping sales teams to focus on effective strategies and content.

3. Integration and Scalability

The platform should integrate smoothly with your existing sales and marketing tools, such as CRM systems and email marketing software, ensuring data consistency and workflow efficiency. Ensure the platform can accommodate growth in user numbers and complexity without performance degradation.

4. User-Friendliness & Security

The interface should be intuitive, minimising the learning curve and enabling quick adoption across diverse teams. It must adhere to stringent security standards, protect sensitive information, and ensure compliance with international regulations like GDPR.

5. Vendor Support & Reviews

Choose a platform backed by reliable support and comprehensive training programs for effective implementation and troubleshooting. Review reviews on G2 and Capterra to gauge user satisfaction and performance reliability.

Importance of buyer enablement in the different stages of the B2B buying process

Buyer enablement plays a crucial role throughout the various stages of the B2B buying process. It enhances the buyer's journey from initial awareness to the final decision.

1. Awareness Stage:

At this initial stage, potential buyers recognise they have a problem or need. Buyer enablement tools can provide educational content, such as articles, blog posts, and industry reports, which help articulate needs and solutions. Effective enablement ensures that the buyer's foundational understanding of their problem and potential solutions is clear and accurate.

2. Consideration Stage:

Buyers evaluate different solutions and vendors. Here, buyer enablement tools can offer comparison sheets, case studies, and product demos that are tailored to the specific needs of each buyer. This targeted content helps buyers compare options effectively, aligning product capabilities with their specific requirements.

3. Decision Stage:

The final decision-making stage where buyers select their vendor. Enablement tools such as detailed product information, testimonials, and tailored presentations can help overcome objections and reinforce the buyer's confidence in their choice. Providing comprehensive, easy-to-access information ensures that buyers feel informed and confident in their purchase decisions.

4. Retention and Expansion Stage:

After the purchase, the focus shifts to retaining the customer and expanding the relationship. Buyer enablement tools like onboarding guides, user training sessions, and ongoing support materials play essential roles. Effective post-purchase support and education increase customer satisfaction and loyalty and can lead to upselling and cross-selling opportunities.

B2B buyer enablement strategy and best practices

Creating an effective B2B buyer enablement strategy involves planning and executing methods that make the buying process smoother for your customers. This strategy, when paired with industry best practices, ensures a seamless buying experience. 

Strategy for B2B Buyer Enablement

  • Define Objectives: Clearly outline what you aim to achieve with buyer enablement. Typical goals include shortening the sales cycle, improving conversion rates, and increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Buyer Journey Mapping: Understand and document your buyers' typical journey from awareness to purchase. This helps identify key interaction points where enablement can have the most impact.
  • Customise Buyer Interactions: Tailor interactions based on the specific needs and behaviours of different buyer personas. This involves personalising the content and tools to the specifics of each segment.
  • Tool and Content Alignment: Integrate the right mix of tools (like CRM systems, content management systems, and analytics tools) and content (such as whitepapers, product demos, and interactive calculators). This will empower buyers to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.
  • Feedback and Optimisation: Continuously gather feedback from both sales teams and buyers to refine strategies, tools, and content. Use this data to make informed adjustments that enhance the buyer enablement process.

Best Practices for B2B Buyer Enablement

  • Empower with Information: Provide comprehensive, easy-to-access resources that answer potential questions and resolve doubts at each buyer journey stage. This could include FAQs, knowledge bases, and detailed product information.
  • Streamline Content Delivery: Ensure that your content is organised and can be easily navigated by prospective buyers. Good content organisation helps buyers find the necessary information without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Leverage Technology: Use advanced analytics to track how buyers interact with your content and tools. AI-driven insights can help predict buyer needs and customise interactions accordingly.
  • Training and Support: Regularly train your sales team on new tools and strategies. Ensure they understand how to use buyer enablement tools to support prospective b2b customers effectively.
  • Security and Compliance: Maintain high-security standards, especially when handling buyer data. Compliance with data protection regulations builds trust and safeguards against legal issues.
  • Measure and Improve: Set key performance indicators (KPIs) related to buyer enablement and monitor them regularly. Use these metrics to identify successful strategies and areas for improvement.

Why is Demoboost your perfect buyer enablement partner?

Demoboost is the ideal partner for buyer enablement, providing features and services designed to bridge the gap between buyers' preferences for purchasing and vendors' selling methods. The platform's effectiveness in enhancing the buyer experience and streamlining the sales process is evident in several ways:

  • Holistic Solution for Buyer and Seller Needs: Demoboost was founded to align buyers and sellers on the same side, addressing the disconnect between how buyers prefer to explore SaaS solutions and how vendors traditionally sell them. This alignment is crucial for creating a seamless buying experience that caters to modern buyers' expectations.
  • Interactive Product Demos: Demoboost enables the creation of interactive product demos that can be personalised at scale. This allows prospects to explore SaaS solutions on their own terms, fostering a sense of autonomy and engagement in the buying process. Interactive demos are a powerful tool for demonstrating product value and functionality hands-on, which is essential for informed decision-making.
  • Asynchronous Buying: After a live demo, prospects often need to further explore the software's capabilities. Demoboost's leave-behind demos provide an interactive, tailored experience that prospects can share internally, turning them into your best sales advocates.
  • Seamless Integration: Demoboost integrates seamlessly with other tools like Clarity and Hotjar, enhancing the understanding of prospect behaviour and enabling the creation of highly optimised demo experiences.
  • Customer Support and Success: Demoboost offers unlimited customer support, including assistance in building demos, training, and solving any issues users face. This level of support ensures that vendors can maximise the platform's value and effectively engage with their prospects. The platform's commitment to customer success is evident in the testimonials from users who have experienced significant improvements in sales effectiveness and efficiency.
  • GDPR Compliance and Security: Demoboost is 100% GDPR-compliant and ISO-certified, ensuring that sensitive information is protected. This commitment to security and compliance is critical for building trust with buyers and maintaining the integrity of the sales process.

Discover the difference with Demoboost. Book a demo to explore more about empowering your buyers.

Anna Decroix
Co-founder and CMO at Demoboost

Anna serves as the passionate and curious Chief Demo Methodology Officer. As the driving force behind Demoboost's Presales Advisory Board, Anna actively engages with the presales community, accumulating invaluable insights and showcasing front-line expertise in demo thought leadership and practice.

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