1. Create a ready-to-use demo gallery:
Creating an effective 'Choose Your Own Journey' mechanism on your website can significantly enhance user engagement and lead conversion.
Plan with Personas in mind
Start by identifying the personas your product caters to.
Present a Menu of Challenges per Persona
List the top three challenges or pain points each persona experiences.
Begin with Success Stories:
Introduce each demo with a success story showcasing how you’ve solved similar challenges for a (fictitious) client.
Tailor Demo Length:
Adjust the demo length based on the persona:
- Executives: Usually interested in the reporting dashboards
- Middle Managers/Individual Contributors: More detailed content as needed.
Customize Detail Level:
Ensure the level of detail matches the persona’s needs, keeping the demo concise yet informative.
2. Live Demo Structure
Linear Demo:
Purpose: Perfect for introductory calls where time is limited.
Content: Utilize up to 10 key charts to provide a succinct overview of the tool.
Duration: Keep the demo presentation to 10minutes maximum
Structure: Follow a simple, sequential click path that is easy for the sales rep to navigate, ensuring a smooth and focused presentation. This approach is designed to quickly showcase core product value without overwhelming the prospect.
Linear Demo with a Tour Navigation
Purpose: Best suited for calls with more informed buyers who seek a deeper understanding.
Content: Features a linear click path combined with a table of contents that allows navigation to different sections.
Flexibility: Enables the sales rep to jump to relevant sections based on the prospect’s questions or interests. This structure provides a balance between a structured click path and ability to address questions as they come.
Benefit: Reduces anxiety for the sales rep by offering a clear talk track while also accommodating dynamic, in-depth discussions. This approach supports a more tailored and interactive demo experience.
Sandbox Demo:
Purpose: Ideal for advanced AEs and more complex deals where a deeper dive is needed.
Content: Offers a complete replica of the tool, allowing for extensive customization.
Flexibility: Sales reps can turn on or off specific features or demonstrate the entire environment as needed.
Benefit: Provides the flexibility to explore various parts of the product and adapt to the prospect's evolving needs while still following an established talk track. This setup supports a highly interactive and detailed presentation.
3. Build a Menu Per Persona to Stimulate Discovery
List out main pain points per persona
Identify Top Challenges: For each persona, list the top 3 key painpoints they commonly face.
Language: Express these painpoints succinctly using terms and language familiar to the buyers—avoid jargon or company-specific vocabulary.
List out main pain points per persona
For each identified painpoint, provide a link to a relevant micro demo that addresses that specific issue.
By organizing the menu this way, sales reps can seamlessly explore the most important challenges while helping the prospect verbalise them. They can showcase a snapshot of a relevant solution, giving the prospect just enough information and wheting their appetite for next meeting.
4. Enable sales reps with speaker notes
Bullet Points Style:
Use bullet points for each page to keep the narrative concise and natural.
Avoid Full Sentences:
Write notes to sound conversational rather than reading like a script.
Include the Following Points:
Where We Are: Describe the current section of the product being demonstrated.
What We See on the Screen: Note what elements or features are visible.
Value to Prospect: Explain the benefits these elements provide to the prospect.
Qualification & Discovery Questions: List questions to ask at this point of the demo to uncover needs and qualify the lead.
Objection Handling: Provide answers to common objections that might arise.
Useful Materials: Include links to additional resources or materials relevant to this part of the demo.
5. Choose & customise your demo before the intro call- Tips for Presenters
Research: Investigate the industry and persona you'll be meeting.
Select the Right Demo: Choose a demo that aligns with the specific use case.
Personalize: Customize the demo by adding the prospect's logo, text, or images. Utilise Demoboost Variables functionality to efficiently hyper-personalise your demo to the opportunity you are dealing with.
Present in Live Demo Mode: Use Live Demo Mode to integrate data with CRM opportunities.
Share the demo after the meeting as a follow up