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Unlocking the B2B Buyer's Mind: The Key to More Qualified Leads

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The pursuit of more qualified leads is as thrilling as it is challenging. Our goals are clear: to attract, engage, and convert those prized leads into fruitful partnerships. But to truly excel in this arena, we must dig deeper. We need to shed our sales-driven armor for a moment and slip into the shoes of a B2B buyer.

The B2B buying process can feel like a labyrinth. An exciting yet bewildering maze of options, proposals, and industry buzzwords. As vendors, it's our role to light the way. To act as guides through the maze for our potential customers. We don't want to add to the noise. We want to be clarifying, simplifying, and personalizing the journey.

The B2B buying process roughly consists of the following stages: 

  • The organization identifies a need.
  • The need is described and quantified..
  • They search for potential suppliers.
  • They launch requests for proposals (RFPs).
  • The proposals are checked, and the supplier(s) are selected..

Step 3 is where B2B sales organizations want to come in. Gartner research shows that buyers are 57% of the way through the process before they contact you. They've seen many vendor websites and potential solutions. By the time buyers reach out to sales, they're deep into the buying process. 

By the time buyers knock on our doors, they often feel both overwhelmed and exhausted. The search for potential suppliers can be compared to navigating a complex maze. This maze is littered with industry jargon at every turn, a multitude of options, and the daunting task of locating the right solution. It can be an arduous journey that leaves them seeking a clear path forward.

We believe it's crucial to shape our approach to sales and communication around their pain points. We want to be more than just a vendor. We aspire to be guides, consultants, and allies who truly understand the intricacies of their journey.

To do this, let's put ourselves in the shoes of a B2B buyer.

Problem Statement

Imagine you're a B2B buyer in a medium-sized company. You've been tasked with solving a problem: making data sets more accessible. You want data analysts to be able to find and request datasets without going through IT. IT will thank you for reducing their workload. Data analysts will love you for making their job easier. You'll be a hero. Sounds like a dream.

But wait, how do you find the right software solution? You decide to use Google, expecting a clear answer. Instead, you find yourself immersed in a sea of bewildering options.

Navigating the Wonderland of Data Solutions

First, you run across a flurry of terms: data lake house, data fabric, data mesh, data integration, data loading. Which one do you need? Is it the one that sounds like a vacation home? Or perhaps the one that sounds like a type of cloth? Cloth can cover everything, right? Or perhaps a vacation home that allows you to throw in all the data? You're unsure.

So, you click through a few websites, hoping to find some clarity. But you're met with an onslaught of buzzwords. Every website features the same few meaningless word salads. Cloud-first, hyperscale, single source of truth, open architecture, AI. Everyone says they have AI now. It's the same jargon repeated on every website you visit. The lack of differentiation is frustrating. It leaves you feeling overwhelmed and paralyzed by indecision.

The White Paper Whirl: A Conundrum of Contradictions?

Hoping to find clarity among the chaos, you start downloading the 30-page whitepapers from each vendor's website. The first one captivates you, brimming with data, statistics, and rave reviews from customers. It's compelling, and you feel like you're getting a grip on the solution.

But, to make an informed decision, you want to compare it with other options. So, you plunge into a second whitepaper. This one is just as convincing but astonishingly contradicts what you gleaned from the first. Confused, you seek out a third whitepaper, one that promises to lay out a comparison among all the solutions in this space.

Yet again, it's persuasive and well-presented. But it seems to be singing its own praises, suggesting that it's the best and the rest aren't up to par. Can finding a solution really be this straightforward? Or is this another decoy in the maze? Who can help you decipher these competing claims?

Vendor Outreach: A Deluge of Decisions

In desperation, you consider reaching out to sales. But clicking that 'Contact Sales' button feels like playing Russian Roulette with your inbox and phone line. Will you be bombarded with an avalanche of follow-up calls and emails, relentless in their pursuit of your business? The prospect feels more intimidating than helpful.

You're a busy professional; you don't have the luxury of time to talk to every salesperson who wants to pitch their product. You need a more efficient way to sift through the noise.

The Lifesaver in the Labyrinth: The Magic of Interactive Demos

In the modern B2B buying landscape, overloaded with jargon and complexity, interactive demos shine as our most compelling tool. They hold the potential to transform the labyrinthine buying process into a navigable journey, one that not only empowers potential customers but also optimizes our sales efforts.

Speaking the Customer's Language: Interactive demos tell the story of our product in a language that is both tangible and relatable. It's like casting a charm that ensures our time and efforts are not wasted on those who don't resonate with our story. We're simply making sure we're in the right place at the right time with the right folks.

Qualifying Customers: Interactive demos show what our product can do in a real and understandable way. This helps everyone get on the same page about what our product does and how it can help. Plus, it makes sure we're only spending time with people who actually need what we're offering.

Building Bridges of Trust: Trust is super important when businesses work together, and an interactive demo can help build that trust. It shows we believe in our product enough to let potential customers see and try it out before they decide to buy it. An interactive demo is our pledge of honesty and transparency to our potential customers. It shows we're confident in our offering, brave enough to let them peek behind the curtains before deciding to join our act. It's like saying, "We know our product is good, and we're not afraid to prove it."

Better User Involvement: By letting potential customers try out our product, interactive demos make people feel more involved. They can see firsthand how our product works and imagine how they might use it in their own work. They get a chance to feel the product, to understand its rhythm, and to envision it as part of their complex IT landscape. This direct involvement can be the persuasive nudge that transforms skepticism into conviction.This hands-on experience can make a big difference in convincing people that our product is the right choice.

By understanding the buyer's journey, we can make the B2B buying process easier. Interactive demos serve as our compass through the labyrinth. It’s a guided tour where the buyer can feel in control. They help declutter the overwhelming B2B landscape, replacing confusion with clarity, and uncertainty with trust. They allow potential customers to chart their journey, not as solitary explorers, but as companions on a guided tour.

Aksel Yap
Partner Sales Engineering

Aksel Yap, esteemed APAC presales leader. He leads SaaS growth at SailPoint, earned the TIBCO President's Club award three times, and possesses expertise in analytics, data science, iPaaS, and cybersecurity. With prior management roles at Merrill Lynch and ING, he brings a deep understanding of the B2B sales cycle.

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