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Top 10 presales software in 2024 to streamline your sales process

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In today's B2B buying landscape, buyers are more informed than ever before. They have access to a plethora of information and resources, which has fundamentally changed the buying behaviour. This means that presales teams need to be equipped with the right tools and automation technologies to meet their expectations. 

The question is how to find the right presales software that lets you coordinate with prospects, collaborate with teams and create content seamlessly? 

The presales tech stack consists of tools helping create interactive product demos, manage opportunities insights, create sales enablement, improve deal engagement and more. But we know it can be overwhelming on which one’s to go for. To help you make an informed decision we have drawn insights from various sources and curated the top 10 presales software list you can consider.

Top 10 presales software in 2024


Demoboost is an interactive demo platform that empowers presales teams to achieve maximum efficiency for the demo creation and distribution process with a centralized demo platform. Demoboost addresses the key issues presales are facing: limited scalability of their demo efforts, increasing demand for demos across the entire buying cycle, and complexity of demo creating and personalising. Demoboosts advanced capabilities make it a go-to platform for everything presales teams need. Right from creating interactive product demos, customizing them, and building a library to learning with detailed insights. The platform is built with presales teams in mind and offers features to streamline the creation process, increase focus and productivity, and foster continuous development.

📌Pro Tip: Demoboost is the only presales demo automation platform to offer unlimited and completely free support from day 1. The team works with you across all stages right from demo creation to helping you learn and build your product story. 

Key features that make demoboost an imperative presales software in your tech stack

  1. Create interactive product demos in minutes: Video demos, presentations, or static demos are long gone. To keep buyers engaged, presales need to build demos that are interactive. Demoboost allows you to create an exact clone of your product at a click of a button. You can then mass edit it with your own narratives, and add multimedia to build a powerful story that users can interact with.
  2. Build custom demo environments at scale: Demoing complex solutions that too tailor-made is often a tedious job for presales teams to do. Demoboost’s no-code editor along with pre-built templates makes personalized demo creation a breeze. Presales teams can create templates and enable sales teams, and channel partners to edit and customize for opportunities thus reducing dependency on presales and shortening the sales cycle.
  3. Ready to use demo repositories: Build a centralized demo library to automate discovery demos, and follow-up demos and enable your champion users to share it internally and eliminate multiple follow-ups. It helps presales teams to own the narrative of discovery demos as users can self-qualify and engage with the content while your sales reps get more educated leads in the pipeline. 
  4. Channel partner enablement: Don’t use presales as trainers for your resellers! Instead, build an interactive product demo library and enable them with self-learning materials that's easy to access anytime, anywhere! This helps you onboard resellers faster, and gives them the confidence to find, qualify and engage better through your shareable demos
  5. Demo Insights for continual improvement: Provides presales teams with comprehensive insights into demo performance, helping them identify what works and what doesn't. By gathering unbiased market intelligence, presales teams can understand their buyers' pre-purchase engagement with the product and gain insights into which unique selling points (USPs) and call-to-actions (CTAs) convert best.

Additional Features For Presales Teams:

  • No-code editor thats easy to set-up and collaborate
  • Range of customization options for branding and messaging
  • Supports all multimedia format (pdf, audio, video, voice narration)
  • Choose your own journey for users to self qualify and access relevant demo
  • Live demo assist with speaker notes and live demo analytics
  • Free & Unlimited customer support from day 1


Vivun's is designed to help presales teams work more efficiently, shorten sales cycles, and improve win rates. It provides a central location for teams to manage their sales data, collaborate on deals, and track progress.

Key features:

  1. Deal Management: A centralised location for teams to manage their deals. It allows teams to track deal progress, view deal details, and collaborate with other team members.
  2. Presales Analytics: Gives detailed analytics and insights on sales performance. It allows teams to track content metrics, analyse sales data, and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Collaboration: Allows teams to work together on deals in real-time. It provides a chat feature, task assignments, and notifications to keep teams up to date on the latest developments.
  4. Proposal Management: Enables teams to create and manage proposals within the platform. It provides templates, version control, and analytics to track proposal performance.


  1. Provides a centralised location for teams to manage their deals, allowing for better collaboration and faster deal progress.
  2. Improved analytics provide detailed insights on sales performance, allowing presales teams to identify areas for improvement and optimise their sales process.
  3. Proposal management features make it easy for teams to create and manage proposals within the platform.


  1. Requires training before getting your hands on the product
  2. Users may find the platform's features limited when it comes to customization.

HomeRun Presales

HomeRun is a presales management tool that helps sales and presales teams automate and streamline their processes. It's designed to provide a single source of truth for all sales-related tasks, so teams can collaborate and work on a single platform to manage everything. HomeRun is focused on improving sales and presales team performance by providing visibility into the entire sales process, from discovery to closing deals.

Key Features: 

  1. Content management: Allows presales teams to organize and manage all their sales content in one place, making it easy to find and share internally and with customers
  2. Proposal creation: The tool includes templates for creating proposals, aligning on goals, sharing plans with prospects, and tracking progress to ensure deals do not stall out. 
  3. Collaboration: Enables collaboration between team members, making it easy to work together on sales materials, and product gaps/feature requests, and move deals faster. 
  4. Robust Analytics: The tool provides analytics on how customers are engaging with sales content, including tracking presales activities and understanding your team's workload and utilization.



  1. One platform to manage all your presales functions, right from automating workflows, to missing feature requests to custom proposals for closing the deal. 
  2. The reporting & KPI tracking allows you to monitor and improve your sales team performance with custom reports. 
  3. Seamlessly integrates with other CRM, product management, or marketing tools you work with to keep everything in sync. 
  4. Provides alerts and notifications on deals management to ensure you never lose out on anything. 


  1. Integration can act clunky at times


Gong is a presales software that helps teams improve their performance by analyzing sales calls and meetings. It leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to provide real-time insights and recommendations, helping sales reps better understand their prospects and close deals faster.

Key features:

  1. Call recording and transcription: Records and transcribes sales calls and meetings, making it easy for presales teams to review and analyze conversations.
  2. AI-powered insights: Leverage AI to analyze sales conversations and provide insights on what's working and what's not.
  3. Deal management: Helps sales reps manage their deals, providing visibility into where each deal stands in the sales pipeline.
  4. Integration with CRM: Integrates with popular CRM software like Salesforce and HubSpot, making it easy for sales reps to manage their sales data in one place.


  1. AI-powered insights help sales reps identify areas for improvement and optimize their sales pitch.
  2. Easy-to-use interface and intuitive dashboards making it easy to operate
  3. Integration with popular CRM software makes it easy to manage sales data.
  4. Call recording and transcription enable monitoring and tracking for improvement


  1. The pricing can be expensive for small businesses and does not offer free trial.
  2. Many features might be overwhelming for users 
  3. Limited customization options for reporting and dashboards.


Preskale is a presales intelligence platform that allows presales teams to be more efficient and improve focus on relationship building with buyers. With Preskale, teams can optimize everyday workflows, track revenue-critical product gaps, maximize productivity, and convert more technical wins to drive revenue. 

Key Features: 

  1. Collaboration with Product, Sales, and Customers: Allows presales teams to work in sync with product, sales, and customers to identify winning practices. 
  2. Technical Wins Tracking: Helps to track efforts, winning solutions, and critical product gaps to drive repeatable technical wins. 
  3. Resource Allocation Optimization: Matching team members with the most appropriate opportunities based on skills, experience, and availability, Preskale ensures that every deal receives the attention it deserves.
  4. Product Adoption Analysis: Allows teams to analyze product adoption across cohorts to map revenue to the product roadmap. 
  5. Deal Velocity Insights: By tracking key metrics like time-to-close, deal size, and win rate, teams can identify areas for improvement and optimize deal velocity for future growth. 
  6. Evaluation Management: By providing a centralized platform for tracking and managing evaluations, Preskale helps in monitoring deal vitals and streamlining the process. 


  1. The platform is intuitive and easy to use, even for those without technical expertise.
  2. Get insights into the buyer's journey and identify areas for improvement to optimize the sales process.
  3. Integrate with CRM, product, and marketing tools, allowing for a more streamlined workflow and synchronous effort.


  1. Limits the user roles and does not offer flexibility yet
  2. Limited scope to customize reports and dashboards


Seismic is a presales software that helps to create and deliver engaging product content and sales presentations. It provides a suite of tools to help presales better understand the prospects and deliver personalised content that resonates.

Key features:

  1. Content management: Provides a centralised content management system that allows presales teams to store and organise their collateral.
  2. Personalization: Allows presales to create customised sales presentations and proposals based on each prospect's unique needs.
  3. Analytics: Ensures real-time analytics on how prospects are interacting with sales content, helping presales identify what's working and what's not.
  4. Collaboration: Enables collaboration that allow sales, presales teams to work together on sales collateral and presentations.


  1. Robust content management system that makes it easy to organise and access sales collateral.
  2. Personalization tools help presales deliver more effective presentations and proposals.
  3. Analytics provide real-time insights into how prospects are interacting with sales content.
  4. Integrates with popular CRM software like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Microsoft Dynamics, allowing for seamless data exchange between platforms.


  1. UI seems non-intuitive and can add to the learning curve
  2. Implementation can be time-consuming and be resource intensive


Userlane is a digital adoption platform (DAP) that streamlines the processes for presales teams. It is designed to help companies increase user adoption and engagement by delivering personalised and interactive guidance in real-time.

Key features:

  1. Interactive demos: Create interactive demos that guide potential customers through their products.
  2. Personalization: Personalise the demos to the specific needs of each customer.
  3. Real-time guidance: Provides real-time guidance to users while they are using the product. 
  4. Data analytics: Get detailed analytics that help presales teams to track user behaviour, engagement, and conversion rates.


  1. It's easy to use, even for non-technical presales teams.
  2. Allows presales teams to deliver personalised demos to potential customers, increasing the chances of conversion.
  3. Analytics that can help presales teams to optimise their demos and improve their conversion rates.


  1. Has limited customization options, which may not be suitable for presales teams that require more flexibility.
  2. Fewer integrations with other sales and marketing tools

Chili Piper

Chili Piper is a powerful scheduling and routing tool that can help presales teams streamline their processes and lets sales to close more deals. It provides a suite of features that can help teams manage their calendars, schedule meetings, route leads and automate their workflows.

Key features:

  1. Instant scheduling: Customers can instantly book appointments with sales reps reducing the manual work.
  2. Intelligent routing: The tool routes appointments to the most appropriate sales rep based on a range of criteria, such as language, location, product expertise, and availability.
  3. Real-time alerts: Sales reps receive real-time alerts when an appointment is booked, cancelled, or rescheduled.
  4. Power Insights: The tool provides detailed insights and reporting on appointment scheduling and routing, enabling presales teams to optimise their sales process continually.


  1. Buyers can instantly book appointments with sales reps, reducing wait times and improving the overall customer experience.
  2. Makes it easier for customers to connect with the right sales rep, which can lead to more meaningful and productive conversations.
  3. Sales teams can create routing and scheduling rules that are specific to their organization's needs, ensuring that appointments are always routed to the most appropriate sales rep.
  4. Chili Piper integrates seamlessly with a range of CRM platforms, making it easy for sales teams to incorporate it into their existing workflows.


  1. The pricing can be expensive for small businesses.
  2. The software may not be necessary for businesses with low meeting volumes.


PandaDoc provides an end-to-end sales document automation solution that includes document creation, delivery, and tracking features. The software integrates with other business tools like CRM, payment gateways, and project management tools to streamline the sales process.

Key features:

  1. Document creation: Offers a drag-and-drop document builder that allows users to create professional-looking proposals, quotes, contracts, and other sales documents quickly.
  2. E-signatures: Collect legally binding electronic signatures from clients, reducing the need for printing and scanning documents.
  3. Workflow automation: Automates the sales process by setting up approval workflows, sending reminders, and tracking document status.
  4. Integrations: Works with the tools you love like CRM, project management, and payment gateway tools to streamline the sales process.
  5. Real time analytics: Get insights into document performance, including how many times a document has been viewed, time spent on each page, and more.


  1. PandaDoc has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for sales teams to create and manage sales documents.
  2. With its drag-and-drop document builder and workflow automation features, PandaDoc saves a lot of time for sales teams.
  3. Allows users to customise their sales documents with templates, branding, and content blocks.
  4. PandaDoc is SOC 2 certified, ensuring the highest security standards for its users' data.


  1. Amending existing documents is time consuming and tedious. 
  2. Integrates with tools however the functionality is not seamless


Brainshark is a sales readiness platform that enables presales teams to create, share, and track effective sales presentations, training, and coaching content. Its cloud-based platform allows businesses to train their sales teams and distribute content to improve the sales process.

Key features:

  1. Interactive presentations: Brainshark's presentation builder enables presales to create interactive and engaging presentations that incorporate video, audio, quizzes, and surveys.
  2. Sales coaching: Presales can create coaching content, assign it to specific reps, and track progress through real-time analytics.
  3. Sales training: Provide on-demand training for reps, including product demos, objection handling, and competitive positioning.
  4. Deep Analytics: Get insights into how prospects engage with content, including who viewed it, for how long, and which slides were most engaging.


  1. Intuitive user interface makes it easy to create and share content without the need for additional software or technical expertise.
  2. A range of customization options, allowing teams to create content that aligns with their brand and messaging.
  3. Integrates with other sales enablement and CRM tools, streamlining workflows and increasing efficiency.


  1. While Brainshark's analytics provide valuable insights, the reporting capabilities are limited in scope.
  2. Brainshark's pricing can be on the higher end, which may not be feasible for smaller presales teams or startups.

Global Software Sales Process Survey 2024

Ritesh Shetty
GTM - Technology Analyst

Ritesh is a marketing professional who has spent his career at the intersection of product, technology, and SaaS companies. He has a passion for technology, a deep understanding of the latest innovations, and loves to reflect and share his ideas.

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