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The Do’s and Don'ts of creating interactive product demos

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In today's fast-paced digital landscape, the dynamics between buyers and sellers have undergone a significant transformation. 

As progressive technologies continue to shape the way we engage with products and services, buyers have become more empowered, tech-savvy, and in control of their time and options. 

Consequently, the traditional approaches to selling have evolved, giving rise to new trends and strategies. McKinsey's report delves into this shifting paradigm, highlighting how buyers are now more connected than ever to their screens, actively seeking information and leveraging technology to inform their decision-making process. 

In response to this changing landscape, a concept known as buyer enablement has emerged, with sellers focusing on providing valuable resources, educational content, and personalised experiences to support buyers throughout their journey.

However, amidst this sea of information, the excessive information challenge has emerged. While buyers have access to an abundance of information, they often struggle to find high-quality content that engages them and offers lasting recall. 

This is where the power of an interactive product demo becomes apparent. Through a well-crafted story, personalised attention, and powerful visualization, sales teams can rise above the noise and enable buyers to make more informed decisions.

So, how can sales or presales professionals effectively overcome the challenge of creating an impactful interactive product demo? In this article, we will explore the guiding principles by discussing the crucial Do's and Don'ts of creating an interactive demo. 

By following these principles, you can ensure that your demo captivates your buyer, delivers key information effectively, and ultimately drives successful sales outcomes. Let's go!

What are the Do’s and Don’ts to consider while creating interactive product demos?

To ensure that your interactive product demos are engaging and successful, here are some important things to keep in mind:

The Do’s of creating interactive product demos

✅ Do -  Focus on the buyer journey:

Focusing on the buyer journey is crucial when creating demos, as it allows you to align your demos with the needs and motivations of potential customers. 

Start by understanding the different stages of the buyer journey and aim that your demo should grab attention and help the buyer take the next step. By mapping your demo to the buyer journey, you can effectively guide potential customers toward making a purchasing decision.

To ensure a buyer-centric demo, it's important to personalise the content and messaging according to the specific needs and preferences of your buyer at each stage of their journey. 

Use language and examples that resonate with them, addressing their pain points and highlighting the benefits and solutions your product or concept offers. 

For example, if you are selling a project management tool to a potential client, you should focus on showcasing benefits addressing their current challenges. By addressing their pain points directly, you can build trust and build rapport.

✅ Do - Create demos that are engaging: 

Engaging demos are a powerful way to captivate your buyer and leave a lasting impression. To create demos that truly engage, it's important to focus on a few key elements. 

Firstly, make sure to clearly define the purpose and goals of your demo. Understanding what you want to achieve will help you structure your demo effectively. 

Next, consider your buyer's needs and interests. Tailor your demo to their preferences, knowledge level, and pain points. This will enable you to craft a message that resonates with them and keeps them engaged throughout the demo.

In addition, incorporate interactive elements into your demo to actively involve your buyer. Ask questions, encourage participation, and allow viewers to explore certain features. 

This not only creates a sense of involvement but also helps to reinforce key points and enhance understanding. Furthermore, leverage multimedia, images, and videos to support your demos By focusing on clear goals, buyer-centricity, interactivity, and compelling visuals, you can create demos that are truly engaging. 

✅ Do - Use the storytelling approach to sell better: 

Humans are wired to respond to stories, so incorporating storytelling into your product demos can be incredibly effective. Rather than overwhelming your buyer with a list of features, frame your demo in the form of a narrative. 

Storytelling has the power to engage emotions, make information more memorable, and create a personal connection between your buyer and product. 

To sell better, start by understanding your customers' needs, desires, and pain points. Then, craft a compelling narrative that highlights how your offering addresses those needs and provides a solution or transformation.

When utilizing storytelling in a demo context, it's essential to emphasize the ability to break down a complex story into smaller, more digestible pieces for your prospects. By doing so, you can effectively convey your product's value proposition and engage your audience on a deeper level. 

  1. Start with a topline vision: Begin your demo by focusing on the big picture, highlighting the transformational impact your solution can have on their business.
  2. Show how it suits specific needs: Identify the specific problems they face and illustrate how your solution can alleviate them. This step helps the prospect see the relevance and applicability of your product in their specific context.
  3. Break down the story: At this stage, break down the complex story into smaller, more manageable parts to prevent overwhelming the buyer. Each part should focus on a specific aspect or feature of your product that directly addresses a particular problem. 
  4. Show how your product solved: After presenting each piece of the story, demonstrate how your product effectively solves the identified problem. Use concrete examples, visuals, or even case studies to illustrate the successful outcomes achieved by previous clients or customers. 
  5. Highlight benefits and results: Quantify the results whenever possible, such as increased efficiency, cost savings, or revenue growth. By focusing on the value and advantages your product offers, you can create a stronger recall. 

For example, imagine you are selling a cybersecurity solution. Instead of simply stating the do, you can begin by describing a relatable scenario where a company falls victim to a cyberattack and the dire consequences it faces. Then, transition into how your product could have prevented such an incident, highlighting the specific features that address the security vulnerabilities. By weaving a story around your product, you create an emotional connection and make the demo more relatable and memorable.

✅ Do - Create a demo library for easy navigation: 

When it comes to developing an interactive product demo it is seamless and easy. However, mapping it to the buyer journey is a daunting task. This is where the demo library streamlines this process acting as a centralized hub of demos, intelligently categorized and presented in an easy-to-navigate manner. 

It empowers buyers and internal teams to quickly find and locate relevant demo assets, facilitating a smoother and more engaging demo experience. 

Creating a demo library can greatly enhance the accessibility and usability of your demos, allowing users to navigate and access relevant content with ease. 

Start by organizing your demos into categories segmented across user roles, industries, use cases or features, and more. This helps users quickly find what they are looking for. 

To make the most of a demo library consider using a user-friendly interface with intuitive search and filtering options to facilitate easy navigation within the library. You can also include thumbnail images or short preview videos to give users a glimpse of what to expect. 

For example, if you serve multiple use cases across different industries, organize your demo library categorically based on the different products or industries. This way, your sales team can quickly find and share the most relevant demos, and buyers can navigate through the library to explore the demos that align with their interests. A well-organized demo library streamlines the sales process and enhances the overall customer experience. Here’s an image from Celnois that showcases a perfect demo library.

Related Read: Content Maintenance: Ensuring Consistent Messaging and Appearances Across Aging Demos

✅ Do - Use demo analytics for continuous improvement: 

Utilizing demo analytics can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your sales sessions. By tracking metrics such as viewer engagement, drop-off points, or time spent on each feature, you can identify areas for improvement and optimise your demo accordingly. 

By gathering real-time data with this information, you can adapt your demos in real-time, emphasizing the most important aspects and addressing any areas of confusion or disengagement. This dynamic approach ensures that your live demo remains relevant and engaging throughout, maximizing its impact.

demo analytics also offer post-demo benefits. After the demo, you can analyse the collected data to gain deeper insights into viewer behaviour, preferences, and patterns. This information can help you create better interactive demos, allowing you to refine your content, improve your delivery, and personalise. 

For example, if you notice a high drop-off rate at a particular point in the demo, it indicates a potential pain point or confusion for your buyer. You can then adjust the demo flow or provide additional explanations to address those concerns. 

Related Read: How to Close Deals Faster By Mastering Live Demos?

✅ Do - Focus on personalization to improve effectiveness: 

Focusing on personalization is a powerful way to enhance the effectiveness of your demos. When you personalise your demos, you show your buyer their specific needs, challenges, and goals are considered. 

Start by researching your buyer beforehand to gather insights about their industry, preferences, and pain points. Use this information to customise your demo and tailor your messaging to address their specific concerns. 

By speaking directly to their needs and providing relevant solutions, you value their individual circumstances and are dedicated to meeting their requirements. 

This personal touch helps to establish a stronger connection, build trust, and increase the likelihood of successful outcomes, whether it's selling a product, explaining a concept, or driving engagement with your brand.

Using demo automation platforms you can personalise content at scale with the help of predefined templates. This helps you deliver tailor-made demos faster and empowers your buyers to engage actively with the demo.

For example, if you are presenting your product to a marketing team, you can emphasise features related to campaign tracking and analytics. On the other hand, if you are engaging with a customer support team, you can highlight features that enhance customer interactions and issue resolution. 

✅ Do - Add a call to action in your demos: 

Including a clear Call to Action (CTA) with engaged buyers is important. The CTA should be tailored to the specific stage of the buyer's journey and should encourage further interaction, establish a connection or build credibility. 

If the buyer is in the early stages of the buying process the CTA could be to invite them to visit the speaker's LinkedIn profile. This allows the buyer to learn more about the expertise and experience of the individual behind the product or service, which can help solidify their trust and confidence in the offering.

If the buyer is further along in the process and has shown strong interest, a CTA could involve asking them to share a demo or product information with other stakeholders in their organization. This encourages the viral effect, as the engaged buyer becomes an advocate who helps spread awareness and generate interest among decision-makers who may influence the final purchasing decision.

Alternatively, if the buyer has already viewed a demo or received preliminary information, the CTA could propose watching another demo that delves deeper into specific features or benefits. This allows the buyer to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the product or service and move closer to making a final decision.

Lastly, in some cases, it might would be great to offer an in-person meeting to provide a hands-on experience or handle sales objections. 

The Don’ts of creating interactive product demos

🚩Don't overwhelm users with too much information: 

When creating demos, it's crucial to strike a balance between providing valuable information and overwhelming your users with an excessive amount of details. 

Giving away too much information can lead to confusion, disengagement, and a loss of interest. To avoid this, focus on presenting the most relevant and important information that directly addresses your buyer's needs and interests.

Prioritise clarity and simplicity! Break down complex concepts into digestible chunks and use concise explanations. Avoid using technical jargon unless your buyer is well-versed in the subject matter. Stick to the key points and benefits you want to convey, and avoid unnecessary tangents or excessive data.

Additionally, consider using visual aids such as diagrams, charts, or infographics to enhance understanding. Visuals can help convey information more effectively than long paragraphs of text. Keep your demo focused and concise, ensuring that each piece of information contributes directly to the main message or objective of the demo.

For example, if you present project management software to a potential buyer, highlight the features that streamline task allocation, collaboration, and deadline management, rather than delving into intricate technical specifications. 

🚩Don't lose contact with an engaged buyer: 

Maintaining contact with an engaged buyer is crucial for businesses to foster strong relationships and increase the likelihood of closing a sale. By staying in touch and nurturing that engagement, you can keep the buyer's interest alive and guide them through the purchasing process.

One way to avoid losing contact with an engaged buyer is by implementing an effective Call to action (CTA). These CTAs can vary based on which stage the buyer like asking buyers to connect with the salesperson on Linkedin, get on an in-person meeting, or see the next demo to dive deep. 

Additionally, you can also implement effective communication strategies by asking buyers to subscribe to your email updates, seek permission for phone calls and any other channels that can keep the momentum of an engaged buyer. 

🚩Don't forget to test, analyse and optimise your interactive product demos: 

This is a crucial step to ensure their effectiveness and engagement. Observe their reactions, note areas where they might lose interest or encounter confusion, and gather their suggestions for improvement. Use this feedback to refine your demo, making necessary adjustments to enhance its flow, clarity, and overall impact.

Additionally, consider conducting A/B testing or split testing, where you create multiple versions of your demo and present them to different buyers. This allows you to compare the performance of different elements, such as visuals, messaging, or interactive features, and determine which variations resonate best with your target audience. 

When analyzing your demos, consider various factors such as buyer feedback, viewer engagement metrics, and conversion rates. With automation platforms like Demoboost, you can get deep insights into user behaviour, interaction rates, demo analytics, and even live demo insights. 

These metrics can provide insights into which parts of the demo were most effective and where viewers may have lost interest.

Furthermore, evaluate the impact of your demos on your desired outcomes, such as sales, lead generation, or brand awareness. Analyse conversion rates or other relevant key performance indicators to determine the success of your demos in achieving their intended goals. 

Remember, this is an ongoing process. As your buyer, technology, or market evolves, it's important to regularly revisit and refine your demos to ensure they remain relevant and captivating. By dedicating time and effort to testing and optimizing your demos, you can maximise their impact and achieve better results in engaging your buyer.

🚩Don't forget to check messaging & brand consistency: 

When creating engaging demos, it is crucial to pay attention to messaging and brand consistency. Your demo should align with your overall brand identity and convey a clear and consistent message across all internal teams and even channel partners

Start by identifying the key messages you want to communicate and ensure they are consistent with your brand's values, positioning, and tone of voice. This consistency helps build trust and reinforces your brand's image in the minds of your buyer.

In addition to messaging, it's important to maintain visual brand consistency throughout your demo. This includes using your brand colours, fonts, and logo appropriately and consistently. Consistent visual branding helps create a cohesive and professional look that strengthens brand recognition and reinforces the buyer's connection with your brand.

🚩Don't get all techy for complex concepts:

When presenting complex concepts in a demo, it's essential to avoid overwhelming your buyer with technical jargon or intricate details. Instead, focus on simplifying the information and breaking it down into easily understandable terms. 

Use analogies, metaphors, or relatable examples to illustrate the concept in a way that resonates with your buyer's prior knowledge or experiences. By avoiding excessive technical language, you can make the demo more accessible and engaging for a wider range of viewers.

Furthermore, consider using multimedia elements to visually represent complex ideas. Diagrams, charts, or animations can help simplify intricate concepts by presenting them in a more digestible and intuitive manner. 

By leveraging visuals and relatable explanations, you can bridge the gap between complex ideas and your buyer's understanding, making the demo more engaging and memorable. Remember, the goal is to ensure that your buyer grasps the core message and benefits of the concept, even if they may not have a deep technical background.

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How Demoboost can help you create effective interactive product demos?

With Demoboost’s powerful no-code demo automation platform you can create interactive product demos in minutes. All you have to do is just a few clicks and clone your entire product into an interactive simulated environment with which users can interact and engage. Here are a few ways Demoboost can help you:

  1. Simplified and easy to use: Provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to design and create interactive journey for your prospects easily. You can add interactive elements, clickable buttons, tooltips, or embedded multimedia like audio/video narration and more without the need for extensive coding or technical expertise. This simplifies the process and saves time, enabling you to focus on the content and engagement of your demo.
  2. Analytics and insights: This provides valuable analytics and insights that allow you to track and measure the effectiveness of your interactive product demos. You can gather data on user interactions, click-through rates, and overall engagement metrics. This information helps you understand which parts of your demo are resonating with your buyer and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Customizability and branding: Allows you to customise the appearance and branding of your interactive product demos. You can choose from a range of design templates, colors, fonts, and layouts to align the demo with your brand identity. This ensures a consistent and professional look while creating a cohesive experience for your buyer.
  4. Easy sharing and distribution: Enables convenient sharing and distribution options for your interactive product demos. You can embed demos on your website, share them through email or social media, or even integrate them into presentations. This flexibility makes it easy to reach and engage your target buyer across various platforms and channels.

Interactive Demo White Paper, 2024

Anna Decroix
Co-founder and CMO at Demoboost

Anna serves as the passionate and curious Chief Demo Methodology Officer. As the driving force behind Demoboost's Presales Advisory Board, Anna actively engages with the presales community, accumulating invaluable insights and showcasing front-line expertise in demo thought leadership and practice.

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