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Solution Engineer Strategies: Pioneering the Sales Cycle and Overcoming Early Obstacles

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The role of Solution Engineers is increasingly recognized as critical to the success of sales cycles. Traditionally, these experts were involved in the later stages of the sales cycle, stepping in just before the purchase decision to demonstrate how solutions would function in the client's environment. However, the current market dynamics have shifted this perception.

Today, only a small fraction of these professionals work exclusively with sales teams. The vast majority, extend their support to marketing, business development, and customer success, marking a notable expansion in their roles. This shift has led to Solution Engineers frequently being involved in the discovery and initial stages of the sales process. That puts a lot of pressure on the Presales teams forcing them to focus more on producing demos rather than engaging deeply with clients.

This blog post aims to explore how Solution Engineers, traditionally the late-stage heroes of the sales process, are now pioneering the entire sales process. We'll explore how this shift can become an opportunity and how the Presales team can capitalise on it to drive successful sales results. Let’s begin.

Understanding the Early Stage of a Sales Cycle

A sale cycle's initial stages set the overall mood and direction of the process. Knowing that most of the buying journey happens before the prospect meets the sales teams, those early engagements set the groundwork for building a long-term relationship with your customer and a successful sale. Early stages shape all future interactions and greatly impacts how the customer views the product and the company. It involves understanding the customer's needs, establishing trust, and positioning the product or service as a solution to their specific problems. 

Risks and Challenges to Solution Engineers in the Early Sales Cycle

The path to a successful sale is often filled with challenges, and the early stages are no exception. Common obstacles include:

  • Resource Stretching: Solution engineers often find themselves spread too thin, impacting their effectiveness and efficiency. The stretching of resources is a significant challenge, as it can lead to decreased quality in customer interactions and solutions.
  • Extended Demo Wait Times: The 2023 SE & workload report highlights an average one-week wait time for demos. Such delays can critically slow down the sales cycle and potentially cause prospective customers to lose interest.
  • Dealing with Unqualified Leads: A recent survey indicates that nearly 45% of organisations encounter over 30% of such unqualified leads in their sales pipelines. Involving Solution Engineers too early in the sales process risks them spending time on unqualified leads. This inefficient use of high-level skills can be demotivating and is an ineffective allocation of resources.
  • Burnout Risks: Combining the handling of unqualified leads with long demo wait times and being stretched thin contributes to a high risk of burnout among Solution Engineers. This affects individual well-being as well as the overall effectiveness of the sales team.
  • Resource Misallocation: Solution Engineers spend a considerable amount of time on early-stage demo preparation, which is one of the least value-adding activities. This misallocation can lead to inefficiencies and reduced effectiveness in the sales cycle.

Building a Foundation for Decision-Making

Integrating presales early in the sales cycle creates a solid foundation for decision-making, benefiting both the sales team and the buyer with clearer, more informed choices.

  1. Enhanced Pipeline Quality: Many leads enter the pipeline merely out of curiosity, lacking the right information from their research. If demos or detailed product insights are available upfront, courtesy of presales, it can filter out less serious prospects, ensuring that only genuinely interested leads progress.
  2. Consistent Messaging Throughout the Sales Funnel: Typically, marketing teams handle the top-of-the-funnel messaging, followed by sales and then presales, each presenting the product value differently. If presales are involved throughout, they can maintain a consistent narrative, enriching and deepening it as the lead progresses through the sales cycle.
  3. Improved Buyer Education: Early engagement of presales allows for the communication of true product value, beyond just marketing highlights. This approach educates prospects more effectively, ensuring they enter the sales process with a deeper understanding of the product, which can lead to more qualified decision-making.
  4. Shorter Sales Cycles: When Solution Engineers are able to focus adequately on each deal, without delays like demo wait times, the sales cycle can be significantly shortened. Their early involvement ensures that the buyer's needs are understood and addressed promptly, streamlining the process and leading to quicker sales closures.

How Demo Creation Platforms Can Help Solution Engineers Secure Success?

Demoboost is an interactive demo platform to revolutionise the way solution engineers engage in the early stages of the sales process, turning potential challenges into significant opportunities. It helps streamline and enhance the presales process in following ways:

1. Time Saving with the No code & No-fuss Demo Building: Demoboost's intuitive, no-code interface reduces the time and technical know-how needed to set up demos. This feature is a quantum leap from the traditional, time-consuming setup in live environments.

2. Stimulate Disqualification with Self-Educating Demo Galleries: Demoboost's external demo galleries enable prospects to explore and understand products independently, effectively sifting through casual browsers and ensuring that sales teams engage only with the most interested and informed leads. Afrida Mahbub, Global Head of Demo Experience at Celonis, highlighted in their customer journey how the platform significantly improved their pipeline quality.

3. Internal Demo Libraries for Early Qualification: Internal demo libraries are invaluable for Account Executives (AEs) and Business Development Representatives (BDRs) during their initial calls. These libraries aid in further qualifying leads and continue the educational journey, preparing them for more detailed interactions with Solution Engineers.

4. Demo Wait Times Reduced to Zero with Last-Mile Personalisation: With Demoboost, the final touches to a demo aren't your regular tweaks but strategic enhancements. AEs and BDRs can effortlessly personalise demos to align perfectly with each buyer's unique needs, ensuring a memorable product experience.

5. Enabling the AEs to Deliver Intro Demos with the Speaker Notes and Live Demo Mode: Features like speaker notes and live demo mode equip any team member to present like a pro, maintaining consistency and excellence in every pitch.

6. Demo Sharing for Continuous Engagement: Beyond a single meeting, Demoboost's sharing capabilities keep the conversation going. Sharing demos allows for continuous engagement with prospects and the discovery of new stakeholders, amplifying the reach and impact of every sales effort.

Book a demo today and embark on a journey of sales excellence.

Anna Decroix
Co-founder and CMO at Demoboost

Anna serves as the passionate and curious Chief Demo Methodology Officer. As the driving force behind Demoboost's Presales Advisory Board, Anna actively engages with the presales community, accumulating invaluable insights and showcasing front-line expertise in demo thought leadership and practice.

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