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How Can Sales Demo Software Help You Close More Deals?

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Selling software can be a tricky business! Having to decode the customer's needs, how your software’s features can solve their problems, and “make it rain” (figuratively speaking).

These worries can make any reasonable business run for the hills!

This is where sales demo software comes into play! This innovative tool is here to fuel your revenue engine with an interactive demo. Instead of jumping through the hoops to excite people about your product offering, you can wow them with a personalised, interactive demo available instantly. With features like hyper customization, advanced analytics, automated qualification, and CRM integrations, this software will help your organization revolutionize the sales process and easily reach its goals.

In this blog post, we will shed light on how businesses can harness the power of sales demo software and close more deals faster.

What is a Sales Demo Software?

Imagine a tool that allows you to present your software to prospects on-demand, in a way that's as engaging and interactive as the product itself, but in a structured and guided way to reduce the risk of them getting lost or overwhelmed. That's precisely what sales demo software is all about. Demo Software works by replicating the entire user interface of the demonstrated software, including essential elements like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. As a result, the demo is as interactive and engaging as the actual product, providing users with a genuine experience rather than a mere screenshot or video. 

With interactive demo software, your demos look and feel like real products, but they are disconnected from the backend. This security measure ensures that prospects can explore the product freely without the risk of compromising the environment. Those demos can then be embedded anywhere or shared with the prospect for on-demand consumption. 

With Demoboost, for instance, the demo creator can design customized journeys and overlay helpful narrative elements, such as text and video, to make the experience even more immersive and informative. All that won avg. Demo NPD of 89 for Demobost-powered demos. 

8 Ways Demo Software Can Help You Close More Deals

Ability to close deals is the lifeblood of any successful business. 

Overwhelmingly, a quarter of sales engineers report that over 50% of their demos are unqualified. This means that the sales teams spend time on leads with low chances of converting while neglecting the winnable deals. This situation originates from prospects requesting product demonstrations before being sufficiently nurtured in the sales cycle

Sales demo software provides a revolutionary approach to guide prospective buyers through buying journey  quickly. So that you can convert more prospects into customers faster. 

Here are eight ways that demo software can help you close more deals:

1. Create Ready-to-Use Demo Libraries For All Stages Of Customer’s Buying Journey

Sales demo software allows you to create customized demo content and a unique presentation flow that speaks directly to each customer's specific needs and preferences. You can easily map out different personas and use cases, helping you deliver the right content at the right time to the right person. This enables your sales team to provide a more targeted and effective experience to every customer.

With sales demo software, you can build a comprehensive library of demo content that can be used and reused for different purposes. This saves valuable time and resources, allowing your sales team to spend more time on closing deals rather than getting bogged down in a repetitive demo creation. You can also easily update your library with new information and content as your company evolves and your offerings expand.

Customers will be guided through a series of engaging interactions designed to pique their interest and keep them coming back for more. By providing small snippets of information at every stage of the buying journey, you can satisfy their desire to ‘see the product’ while also keeping them eager to come back to learn more. This method helps keep potential customers engaged and more likely to progress toward a sale.

Orchestrating your buyer's journey through the use of sales demo software has significant potential to accelerate deal velocity. With a library of the ready-to-use demo content, you can speed up the overall sales process and increase the likelihood of winning deals. Instantly available and more effective sales demos mean your sales team can close more deals in less time, giving your business a valuable competitive edge.

2. Faster Qualification

Sales demo software, specifically interactive demos, can significantly aid in the qualification process, enabling your team to close more deals by improving your pipeline quality. 

There are two scenarios in which interactive demo software can contribute to the qualification process:

i) Self-Qualification through Interactive Demos:

By engaging with interactive, on-demand demo on your website or within marketing campaigns, you offer potential prospects the opportunity to instantly explore and experience the product. This approach entices the prospect to take the initiative and engage with your offering directly.

Before diving into the demo, the prospect is prompted to complete a short survey that gathers essential information, such as their company, department, role, and interests. This ensures the subsequent demo content is tailored and personalized based on their unique needs and requirements.

With this information gathered and the prospect invested in the process, they are more likely to consent to share their details. As a result, their data enter the sales pipeline with relevant background information, expediting the entire sales process.

If, after having seen the demo, they feel your product is not relevant to them, they will self-select out of the process. That will reduce the noise for your sales teams, who otherwise would get to the same conclusion, however after having invested time in the meeting. 

ii) BDR-driven Outreach and Qualification:

In this scenario, the business development representative (BDR) takes a proactive approach to qualification by manually prospecting potential clients. Leveraging platforms like LinkedIn, the BDR identifies individuals within specific roles and industries.

Armed with this information, the BDR can then curate personalized demos specifically tailored to the prospect's industry, role, and interests. When the prospect clicks on the demo link, they follow the same journey as highlighted in the self-qualification scenario.

By incorporating interactive sales demos, companies like Celonis have optimized their sales process by ensuring prospects engage with at least one on-demand demo before interacting with their sales team. This strategy equips the prospect with the necessary knowledge and better prepares them for subsequent meetings.

3. Effective Discovery

Traditionally, sales teams would engage in a series of questions to uncover the prospect's needs and requirements. However, this approach can be time-consuming, and monotonous and may not keep the buyer engaged in the discussion. getting relevant information was like pulling teeth both for the sales teams and the buyers. Enter Discovery Demo or Disco Demo. An innovative technique that is reshaping the way sales reps discover customer needs and present their solutions effectively.

The Disco Demo approach utilizes case studies and a playlist-like structure to present a series of hypothetical pain points and benefits to the prospects. This not only keeps the buyer engaged but also stimulates their thought process on how the proposed solution can be tailored to their specific requirements. As the prospect hears about various use cases and scenarios, they are more likely to identify with one or more of them, making it easier for the sales rep to connect the dots and showcase the direct impact of their solution on the prospect's pain points. Conducting discovery this way also gives the sales team an opportunity to uncover needs the buyer didn’t even know they had, leading to upsell opportunities early on in the sales cycle. 

Using the Disco Demo approach, sales reps can shorten the sales cycle by presenting relevant information upfront rather than spending excessive time probing for information. Moreover, Disco Demos have the potential to significantly improve win rates by presenting tailored solutions based on well-researched case studies. This responsive approach demonstrates a deep understanding of the prospect's industry and its unique challenges while indicative of the sales rep's ability to provide a bespoke solution that addresses their specific needs.

4. Hyper-Personalize The Buyer Experience

When it comes to selling your product or service, personalization is critical. Demo software lets sales teams personalize their demos and tailor the customer experience according to each buyer’s stage of the buying cycle, specific needs, and interests. This enables you to provide your customers with a more meaningful and tailored buying experience, making them much more likely to buy from you. 

By using a tool like Demoboost, you can easily integrate aspects of the prospect's digital ecosystem into the sales demo (for example, if you are selling an e-comm solution, you can present going through the checkout process on your prospect’s site and then diving into the solution that you offer). Using the tool within the ecosystem they have already built, your prospect can see exactly what it will be like to use it. 

As an example, imagine an online store that is considering purchasing Salesforce as its CRM solution.

Before the demo meeting, the Salesforce team researchers the  industry, company size, and the specific challenges they're hoping to address through Salesforce. Using advanced sales demo software, the Salesforce representative can create an immersive, tailored demo that replicates Burrow's actual use case, making the experience more relevant and engaging. By loading the platform with industry-specific lingo, examples, and pre-configured settings, the Burrow team can see exactly how the Salesforce solution can benefit their business operations.

Through the rich data gathered in the software, the Salesforce representative can also predict what type of content and features will resonate most with the Burrow team. By highlighting the most relevant functionalities and demonstrating a deep understanding of Burro's pain points and goals, the rep establishes trust and builds a strong connection with the prospective buyers.

5. Real-Time Analytics & Tracking

Real-time analytics and tracking is a powerful component of sales demo software that enables businesses to close more deals by providing actionable, data-backed insights into prospective client's needs and preferences.

Demo Software provides robust data on clients' browsing patterns and engagement with your product, allowing your sales team to tailor their pitches according to the prospective clients' unique demands and pain points. With this knowledge, sales representatives can present the product or solution as the ideal match for the client's requirements, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Additionally, real-time analytics and tracking allow businesses to monitor and analyze the effect of various sales tactics and adjust their strategies accordingly. For instance, by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) like conversion rates, click-through rates, and average deal size, sales managers can identify trends and optimize their workflows, messaging, and overall sales process. Sales demo software can also highlight your product's most frequented functionalities enabling the team to refine their focus and allocate resources toward the elements that resonate with potential clients the most.

Beyond these insights, real-time analytics and tracking can give sales representatives direct feedback on their demo sessions. By closely examining prospects' engagement, responses, and objections during live demos, sales representatives can make swift adjustments to address concerns, preemptively address potential misunderstandings, and ultimately present a more compelling case for the product or solution. This valuable, real-time feedback loop can result in higher closed-deal rates and reduced customer acquisition costs.

Last but not least, Interactive Demo Software encourages and track internal sharing, which again is recorded in the platform. That gives the vendor the ability to uncover and indirectly meet internal stakeholders, who, otherwise they wouldn't know existed. Equipped with this knowledge the sales teams can further tailor their pitch to address all involved parties (e.g. presenting financials & ROI data if CFO gets involved)

6. Follow-Up Demos

Sales demo software enable vendors to introduce another extra touch into the sales process- a follow-up demo. That creates a more personalized and interactive experience that can significantly increase the likelihood of winning deals.

Follow-up demos are essential part of champion empowerment and  allow vendors to maintain control over the narrative with the decision-makers who may not have been present during the live demo. On average, 12 stakeholders are involved in the purchase decision-making process, with the vendor not directly interacting with most of them. 

By providing a follow-up demo that champions can share internally, vendors can extend their reach and participate in essential conversations that influence the purchase decision.

With sales demo software, the follow-up demo is not a generic presentation but tailored to reflect the specific interests and requirements of the prospect. It considers the discussions during the live demo, addresses questions or concerns, and provides concrete examples showcasing the product's value. By referring to the names of participants and the topics discussed, the vendor can create a highly personalized follow-up demo that accurately represents the prospect's unique needs.

The vendor receives notifications about the comments and can actively participate in stakeholder discussions, presenting the opportunity to address any doubts or reservations and further solidify their position in the deal.

7. Easy Client Collaboration

One of the critical aspects of closing more deals faster with sales demo software is the ease of client collaboration it offers. In many purchasing decisions, multiple organizational stakeholders must be involved, and their opinions must be aligned in selecting the right tool for their needs. This process often involves several discussions, revisions, and feedback sessions to finalize the scope of work and define the product's desired features. Sales demo software can significantly streamline this process by allowing multiple stakeholders to interact with the demo simultaneously and provide real-time feedback.

By sending a demo to multiple stakeholders, each person can access it conveniently and provide input on the tool's crucial aspects. This efficient communication method reduces the need for back-and-forth emails or meetings to discuss findings and consolidate feedback. 

The sales demo software acts as a central platform for all stakeholders to voice their opinions, comments, and concerns, making the decision-making process more seamless for the organization. 

Moreover, the sales demo software enables more in-depth and meaningful stakeholder discussions. As they can interact with the demo directly, they can test the functionalities and features, allowing them to understand the product's capabilities better and make well-informed decisions. This time-efficient process results in quicker decision-making, enabling sales teams to close deals faster and move on to the next opportunity.

To better understand the product, Dooly uses demo software to explain its features.

8. Live Sales Demo Delivery

One of the vital aspects of closing deals in the sales process is live demo delivery. It presents an opportunity for Account Executives (AEs) and Sales Engineers (SEs) to showcase the product or solution in a convincing and personalized manner. Traditionally, it takes approximately 12 weeks for AEs and about six months for SEs to reach their full potential in delivering compelling live demos. 

However, with sales demo software like Demoboost, the learning curve can be significantly reduced, allowing sales professionals to deliver perfect pitches in no time. Demoboost equips sales teams with ready-made demos to address specific client needs and pain points. It incorporates speaker notes, providing essential guidance on the product's narrative, flow, and presentation to optimize the live demo delivery. 

With access to these resources, AEs, and SEs can familiarize themselves with their pitch and present a well-structured and compelling argument demonstrating the product's value proposition. Furthermore, live demo analytics enables sales leaders to evaluate the performance of their teams in real-time. This data-driven approach helps identify areas where additional training or coaching may be needed and allows sales managers to implement targeted improvement strategies. 

Consequently, AEs and SEs can tailor their presentations to resonate better with prospective clients, making them more persuasive and increasing the likelihood of closing deals.

4 Sales Demo Best Practices For Closing More Deals

By following the tips outlined above, you can ensure that your sales demos are successful and result in more conversions. Here are some additional best practices to keep in mind when delivering sales demos. 

1. Personalize the Sales Demo: Every customer is different, so tailoring your demo to meet their needs and interests is important. This will show that you care about their needs and give them the information they need to make an informed decision.

2. Always Explain “Why”: Explain why your product or service is the right choice for each customer. This will help them understand how it fits into their business model and ultimately convince them to invest in your product or service.

3. Remember to Be Adaptable: Sales demos should be adaptable, allowing you to adjust and customize the content to meet each customer’s needs. By changing and modifying your presentation quickly, you can ensure that your demo hits the mark with every customer. 

4. Include Real Data: Demonstrating the value of your product or service with real-world data is a powerful way to show customers why they should invest in you. By showing customers actual results, you can give them more confidence in your offering and increase their likelihood of buying. 

There You Go, Guys!

Sales demos are an essential part of any sales process. With the right demo software, reps can easily deliver engaging presentations that help close more deals.  By following the tips outlined above, sales teams can ensure that their demos are successful and result in more conversions. 

Want help creating awesome product demos?

Demoboost is the leading sales demo platform, helping companies deliver engaging and interactive product demos that close more deals. 

Request a demo today to see how we can help you boost your sales!

Global Software Sales Process Survey 2024

Pawel Jaszczurowski
CEO at Demoboost | EX - Salesforce | Forbes 30U30 Polska

Pawel is a Software Sales Expert and frontline practitioner with extensive experience in selling Salesforce solutions. Drawing on years of firsthand experience, Pawel has dedicated 100% of his focus to addressing the pain points encountered in software demoing to clients.

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