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Saleo vs Consensus: The Definitive Guide to Choosing the Best Demo Automation Platform

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Living in the age of technology, businesses are relentlessly searching for new and innovative ways to enhance their sales processes and maximize efficiency. Among the trends in this segment are demo automation tools. By creating and delivering personalized product demonstrations, these tools allow potential customers to experience the product and gain insights into its features and benefits. 

With countless hours spent on demo preparation and delivery, businesses seek to streamline the process and optimize the experience with a demo automation platform. The revolutionary power of demo automation tools has led to two major players in the market; Saleo and Consensus. So, which of these platforms is the better fit for your business? In this Saleo vs Consensus blog, we'll explore various parameters such as integration, pricing, analytics, and security to help you make an informed decision. So, let's begin.

What is Saleo?

Saleo transforms the way software companies showcase their products to potential clients in the live session. This cutting-edge platform revolutionizes demo preparation, eliminates outdated environments, and ensures the accuracy of data. What sets Saleo apart from other sales demo platforms is the capability to provide authentic live demos, using the actual software rather than resorting to simulated products. 

This unique feature means clients can gain a genuine and trustworthy experience, improving the sales process and instilling confidence in customers. However, this connection to the live environment comes with downsides too. Saleo’s demos cannot be shared and don;’t provide any analytics. 

The no-code AI modeling engine offered by Saleo is another distinguishing trait. This engine can handle all types of data, enabling users to create comprehensive data stories, hone intricate workflows, devise relevant metrics, and display impactful images, all without the need for extensive coding backgrounds. 

What is Consensus?

Consensus is a demo automation platform that provides a video demo and is 100% suited for selling in between meetings. Consensus caters to the ‘I want to see’ buyer's need and misses out on the ‘I want to touch; moments of the buying journey. Unique functionalities like Choose Your Own Journey produce detailed qualification data.

The primary objective of Consensus is to not only reduce the number of unqualified demos but also to shorten the overall sales cycle. Consensus offers prospects personalized, informative, and dynamic video demos. The result is an innovative system that adds tremendous value to prospects' decision-making processes, helping them to truly understand a product/service in greater detail.

One of the standout features of Consensus is its dynamic video experience. This unique feature allows for personalized and tailored video demos that are based on prospects' unique interests and needs. This ensures that prospects are engaged, involved, and informed about every aspect of a product/service.

Saleo vs Consensus: Side-by-Side Comparison

By examining the features of each platform, we can conduct a thorough side-by-side comparison that will highlight the unique selling points of both Saleo and Consensus.

Saleo vs Consensus: Feature Comparison

Let's examine the key differences between Saleo and Consensus on different factors to see which platform is the best fit for your specific requirements.

Saleo vs Consensus: User Experience

Saleo employs a Chrome extension that allows for customized display, tailored to the specific needs of a lead or industry. This approach offers a more personalized demo experience, delivering a standout selling point compared to the competition. While there may be some initial learning involved, Saleo's Chrome extension streamlines the customization process, making it efficient and effective. 

On the other side, Consensus relies heavily on video recordings, which requires a significant amount of preparation and effort. The lead qualification use case requires multiple videos of different lengths, making the process more challenging to execute seamlessly. While the use of video content can be engaging, it can become tiresome and monotonous if not expertly crafted.

Saleo vs Consensus: Advance Features

Saleo and Consensus are two demo automation platforms that cater to the different needs of businesses. When it comes to advanced features, Saleo offers the following:

  • Live visitor personalization: Saleo's real-time data features enable businesses to showcase this advanced feature with ease, making product demonstrations interactive and sophisticated
  • Ability to present most dynamic elements like interactive chatbots: Using Saleo, companies can demo chatbots and show how they can be integrated into their software using conversational AI technology
  • Real-time GPS: With Saleo, companies can showcase how their software integrates with real-time GPS technology, such as location tracking for delivery services or ride-hailing apps
  • Seamless single sign-on (SSO) integration: Saleo integrates with popular identity providers to reduce adoption barriers and make it accessible to a range of users

Consensus has its own strengths in providing businesses with a deep understanding of the decision-making process. Some of its advanced features include

  • Decision stakeholder mapping: Consensus helps businesses identify key stakeholders and their individual needs and preferences to tailor sales pitches and marketing efforts accordingly, increasing the chances of closing a deal
  • Intelligent demo automation: Consensus uses video demos to scale presales and enable buyers. Its easy-to-use interface makes it simple to record videos and build engaging demos, speeding up the sales cycle
  • Customization options: Consensus offers a "Choose Your Own Journey" approach, giving prospects control over their learning experience to focus on the features that interest them the most.

Saleo vs Consensus: Integrations

When it comes to integrations, Saleo and Consensus seem to operate in different lanes. 

As Saleo doesn’t provide any data it doesn't integrate with any other tools within the sales and marketing arsenal. Saleo's integrations are primarily geared toward demo data, buyer engagement data, and presales resource allocation. Saleo provides SSO integration with the most important authentication platforms. 

On the other hand, Consensus provides integrations that focus on research and decision-making. For instance, its Paperpile integration enables users to find evidence-based answers to research questions, while the Data Exchange integration facilitates data sharing and analysis.

Consensus has gone a step further in integrating with Salesforce, Asana, and other platforms to provide more value to its users. With the Salesforce integration, users can directly include Demo View data collected from Consensus within their Salesforce account. On the other hand, the Asana integration enables users to automate tasks and streamline their workflows.

Saleo vs Consensus: Time to implement

Saleo's live sales demo experience platform has revolutionized the industry, boasting a staggering reduction in demo prep time of between 51% to 2,000%. However, it's worth noting that this efficiency comes at the cost of a more extensive implementation process, which typically takes around 45 days. During this time, Saleo builds its product on top of the client's existing infrastructure. 

In contrast to Saleo's offering, Consensus' decision-making platform can be time-consuming due to the many stakeholders involved in the decision-making process. The larger the group, the more opinions and perspectives must be taken into account, leading to a more extended decision-making process. However, the Consensus platform does offer valuable benefits, such as increased clarity surrounding decisions made and improved buy-in from all parties involved.

Saleo vs Consensus: Pricing

Saleo and Consensus have distinctly different pricing methods. Saleo's pricing details remain inscrutable for outsiders. It's up to enterprising clients to approach the company directly for personalized quotations, implying that Saleo adjusts its pricing strategy to cater to individual client requirements, presenting a remarkable edge. Additionally, Saleo waives any prior setup charges, making it feasible to commence employing its platform with minimal investment.

Conversely, with Consensus, pricing for the initial plan starts at a considerable $12,000 yearly. Although the cost is altered depending on the number of licenses and types of user positions, clients must fill in a form to get access to more detailed pricing particulars, an approach that-values based pricing, enabling businesses to have flexibility in budgeting and planning.

Saleo vs Consensus: Analytics & Insights

When it comes to analytics and insights, there is a clear difference between Saleo and Consensus. Saleo does not provide any explicit analytics features. Meanwhile, Consensus offers an innovative and interactive video demo platform that not only generates personalized demos on-demand but also helps to prioritize demo qualified leads (DQL). This further allows Consensus to automate a self-guided experience at scale, making it a valuable asset to sales teams.

The analytics features within the Consensus platform are especially noteworthy. They are designed to identify key members of the buying group and prioritize their persona-based needs. This helps sellers to discover new stakeholders organically, leading to more opportunities for sales. Consensus analytics features not only provide insights into stakeholder behavior but also aid in identifying the unique needs and preferences of each stakeholder in the buying group.

Saleo's lack of analytics features puts it at a disadvantage in today's data-driven marketplace. Without analytics insights, sales teams are left in the dark, unable to gauge customer behavior and adjust their approach accordingly.

Saleo vs Consensus: Customer Support

While Saleo and Consensus both do not have a dedicated support team for clients to build demos, they offer customer support in their own way. Saleo offers different means of contact, including a phone number and email address. Furthermore, their Frequently Asked Questions page serves as a helpful guide for customers to find answers to common inquiries. Despite not having a specialized team, Saleo makes its customer support accessible through multiple channels.

On the other hand, Consensus has a more personalized customer support system. They have a "Contact Us" page on their website, offering a direct line of communication between clients and their support team via email. This suggests that Consensus values open communication with its customers and is committed to addressing their needs promptly.

In addition, Consensus's personalized approach to customer support may provide a more efficient service for clients. With direct communication available, clients can expect a speedy response time and resolution to their inquiries. However, Saleo's approach to customer support may cater to clients who prefer self-service options or prefer to troubleshoot on their own.

None of the platforms provides support with building demos for the clients. 

Saleo vs Consensus: Security

In terms of security, Saleo and Consensus both impress with their respective approaches. Saleo adheres to ISO 27001 standards, while Consensus boasts SOC 2 Type 2 certification and a powerful suite of security features. 

Saleo prioritizes the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer data, actively protecting personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, and modification. Consensus, on the other hand, takes operational controls and compliance standards to the next level with its SOC 2 Type 2 certification, which verifies a strong security infrastructure. 

With role-based access control, data encryption in transit and at rest, audit logs, and activity tracking, Consensus employs a sophisticated and multi-layered approach to security, securing its systems from both external and internal threats. 

Based outside of the EU none of the tools is 100% GDPR compliant.

Saleo vs Consensus: Which one should you choose?

Before you decide on Saleo vs Consensus, it is important to weigh the unique features, benefits, and drawbacks of both.

Choose Saleo if: 

  • You are only interested in receiving support for use cases on live demos
  • You require a solution that supports real-time data and custom workflows
  • You don’t require insights and analytics from your live sessions. 

Choose Consensus if: 

  • You need a solution for demoing the product in-between-meetings
  • Your priorities are stakeholder maps and lead qualification
  • Geographically scaling your demo isn't a priority. 

Have you thought about alternatives to Saleo & Consensus?

Demoboost is an interactive demo platform that offers a fusion of on-demand and in between the meeting demo support.  The unique selling point of Demoboost lies in its unparalleled set of features that provide a multi-faceted approach to analytics, lead qualification insights, and decision-making stakeholder maps.

In addition, Demoboost boasts a highly engaging user experience through its on-demand use cases that have seen a median demo completion rate of 88. Also, an average demo NPS of 89 shows a high level of satisfaction among users. Moreover, Demoboost pampers its clients by providing unlimited access to demo engineers to help them build demos, saving time and effort.

With its easy-to-use capture and edit functionalities, anyone can create dynamic and interactive product demonstrations in no time. Additionally, businesses can personalize demos tailored to their specific needs and build extensive demo libraries, which are easily shared with external parties.

Demoboost also excels in providing valuable analytics, allowing users to measure the effectiveness of their demos and make insightful decisions. It is worth noting that the platform has an enterprise-grade security feature that ensures optimal data privacy.

Why Demoboost can be a better choice for your team?

Demoboost boasts plenty of unique features that cater to every step of the sales process. Here are a few more reasons why Demoboost can boost your team's sales performance.

  • Demoboost offers an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, enabling your team to become proficient in demoing your software product quickly and efficiently
  • With the support of channel partners, Demoboost facilitates the establishment of global partner networks, providing personalized external demo libraries tailored to meet your organization's unique requirements
  • Demoboost's Demo insights feature provides valuable data to get interactive demo analytics that optimise demos to ensure they are tailored to your target audience, improving your chances of success
  • Demoboost's live demo assistance and speaker notes are effective tools for boosting audience interaction, helping you perfect your presentations, and increasing your chances of converting prospects
  • With a close to 90 percent media completion rate, Demoboost ensures high engagement and satisfaction levels among prospects, leading to increased conversion rates, and ultimately making it a better choice for your team
  • Demoboost's track record is impressive, with successful partnerships such as Veritas' global expansion, demonstrating its ability to deliver results and make your success a top priority
  • Demoboost's customer support is unrivaled, providing you with the necessary assistance to ensure successful adoption and optimise your sales processes for the best possible results
  • Finally, Demoboost's enterprise-grade security features ensure that your data and demos are secure, giving you the peace of mind you need to focus on your core business operations.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. What is a demo automation platform?

A demo automation platform is designed to automate interactive product demonstrations, making it easier for sales teams to create, manage and deliver personalized demos on demand. These platforms allow for self-guided exploration of a product's features and benefits, improve the buying experience, and streamline the sales process.

Q2. What are the key features of Saleo?

Saleo offers a comprehensive suite of features, including live visitor personalization, interactive chatbots, real-time GPS, and seamless SSO integration. It empowers businesses to showcase advanced features with ease, making their product demonstrations more interactive and sophisticated. Its versatility and user-friendly interface make it great for businesses looking to enhance their customer experience.

Q3. What are the key features of Consensus?

Consensus offers decision stakeholder mapping to personalize sales while using video demos with intelligent automation to expedite the sale cycle. Additionally, prospects are empowered with customization options through the "Choose Your Own Journey" approach. These unique features enhance buyers' experiences and increase sales success.

Q4. What are the pros and cons of Saleo?

Saleo has advantages such as providing exact platform replicas, full customization, and seamless team collaboration for live demos. However, limited sharing options and analytics, lack of support for on-demand use cases, and extended setup requirements for advanced customizations are some downsides.

Q5. What are the pros and cons of Consensus?

Consensus' "choose your own journey" feature streamlines decision-making, while stakeholder mapping identifies key decision-makers. Quick turnaround times boost efficiency, but limited interactivity with viewers is a drawback. Compiling an exhaustive video database is challenging, and scalability across geographies requires recording fresh demos from scratch.

Q6. Which demo automation platform is better than Saleo & Consensus?

Demoboost outperforms both Saleo and Consensus in demo automation in many ways. Its user-friendliness and flexibility make demo building effortless, while its advanced editor and analytics provide unparalleled insights for sales teams. Demoboost offers simplicity, innovation, and free support in building demos.

Q7. What are the top alternatives of Saleo & Consensus?

If you're seeking options beyond Saleo and Consensus, look no further than Demoboost, Walnut, Reprise, Demostack, and Navattic. These tools provide user-friendly interfaces, unparalleled performance, and powerful security features. Each of these tools offers a unique selling point that caters to a wide range of business requirements.

Gautham Nagaraj
GTM Strategist

Gautham Nagaraj, an experienced inbound marketer, has excelled in SaaS and sales-tech domains, mastering digital marketing, data-driven decision-making, and efficient activations. His continuous presence in these dynamic fields yields valuable insights for tangible results.

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