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How to Create Interactive Product Demo Walkthroughs for More Leads: Data-Driven Tips

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Interactive content works better than static content. The data is there and it’s indisputable:

  • Higher Conversion Rates: According to Demand Metric, interactive content converts at a whopping 70%. Static content lags behind at 36%.
  • Captures Attention: The Content Marketing Institute (CMI) tells us that 81% of marketers find interactive content more effective at grabbing people’s attention.
  • Brand Visibility: CMI also reports that 79% of marketers agree interactive content enhances brand recognition.

The data says it all. Interactive content not only grabs attention but also educates, engages, and converts at higher rates. It's a game-changer for anyone serious about boosting their lead generation efforts. 

Interactive content also gives you crucial data. It allows you to track user behavior, revealing what features catch their attention and what gets skipped. This data forms the backbone for future outreach. You know where to focus in conversations with prospects. 

The B2C world has made use of interactive content like quizzes, calculators, surveys. Hey, I’m sure we’ve all taken one of those “Which Avenger / Harry Potter / My Little Pony Are You?” quizzes. But there’s one form of interactive content that’s especially effective for the B2B world. The interactive product walkthrough. 

5 Steps to Create Interactive Product Demo Walkthroughs That Generate More Leads

Step 1: Focus on the User Experience 

First, it's crucial to dig deep into what your buyers actually want. It’s never about what your product can do; it's about solving problems for your prospects.

Step 2: Use Research Tools

Use a mix of methods to better understand your audience. Generative AI makes researching and data analysis easy. Use these tools to analyze user behavior on your website. Pull your Salesforce data and look for similarities. Run surveys asking direct questions. Talk to people, like your sales team, who interact with potential buyers every day.

Step 3: Tailor to Their Needs

Use all the information you gathered to tailor your walkthrough. Highlight features that solve your audience's specific problems. Make it clear that you understand what they're going through and you have a solution.

By focusing on the user experience in your interactive walkthroughs, you're not just showing off your product. You're creating a pathway that guides potential leads to see your product as a must-have solution.

Step 4: Make Walkthroughs Simple 

Your prospects are busy. Show only what they need to see. Structure the walkthrough so it's easy to navigate.

Step 5: Incorporate Strategic CTAs 

Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons are virtual nudges to push prospects to the next step. A well-placed CTA in your interactive walkthrough can make the difference between a lead and a loss. Why? Because you're guiding users on what to do next, eliminating guesswork.

It's not just about slapping a "Click Here" on the screen. Your CTAs should tell users what they'll gain. Everyone uses the “Book A Demo” button. But we can get a lot more specific with our CTAs.

Examples of Effective CTAs 

  • 1. "Start Your Free Trial" - If you offer a trial version, make it clear and clickable.
  • 2. "Get Started" - For services that the user can engage with immediately.
  • 3. "Download Guide" - Useful if you're educating the user and have a relevant resource.
  • 4. ‘Share the with your colleagues’ - fantastic way to uncovers stakeholders in the client's organisation 
  • 5. “Use comment button to get in touch’ - a great way to engage with your buyer before they opt in to meet you face to face 
  • 6. ‘Visit my LinkedIn profile’ - use the opportunity to build rapport, familiarity and trust with your prospect before they meet you 
  • ‘Book a call’ - Now that the prospect has seen a demo, they might be ready to talk to you 

CTAs are your pathway to engagement and conversion. Put them in logical spots in your walkthrough. Strategic placement turns a monologue into a conversation, and that's when you know you've got their attention.

Why & How to Optimize Interactive Product Demo Walkthroughs

Creating an interactive walkthrough is just the starting point. To keep driving results, you need a cycle of refinement. And for that, you can't ignore the data.

Why Data Matters

The numbers tell you what's resonating with your users. Are they clicking the CTAs? Do they drop off at a certain point? It shows you where you're hitting the mark and where you need to tweak.

Metrics to Monitor

  • User Engagement: Are people interacting with your content or just skimming through?
  • Click-Through Rates: Are your CTAs compelling enough to get clicked?
  • Time Spent: Is the walkthrough holding attention or are users bailing quickly?
  • Drop-off Points: Where do users exit? This could indicate confusion that can be refined.

The Refinement Process

Once you've gathered this data, analyze it. Look for patterns or recurring issues. Use A/B testing to test different versions and see what performs better.

Continuous improvement is not a one-off task but an ongoing strategy. By using data for refinement, you're not just guessing what might work—you're making informed decisions that will lead to better lead generation and customer engagement.

4 Tips to Integrate Your Interactive Product Demo Walkthroughs Into Your Outreach

It’s time to think about how we can integrate these new interactive walkthroughs in your lead gen strategy. You can’t just toss new tools into the mix. It's about strategic integration. Here's how to make your interactive walkthroughs work harder for your lead gen strategy. 

1. Put Demos Front and Center on Your Website

Your website is the digital face of your business, so make every element count. Feature interactive demos or walkthroughs on key pages like the homepage and product pages. These demos do triple duty: they make the buying process smoother by showing the product in action, they help pre-qualify leads by engaging genuinely interested visitors, and they offer a way to collect contact info for future outreach. This strategy benefits both buyers and sellers. You offer value through an immersive experience, and in return, you gather valuable insights and contact details for your sales team.

2. Extend the Walkthroughs to Your Outbound Strategy

Don't limit your interactive walkthroughs to just your website. They're too valuable for that. Incorporate them into your outbound sales strategy to add a dash of innovation. When prospects receive a sea of plain emails, a "See How It Works" link to a hands-on demo really stands out. This sparks curiosity and nudges them to engage more deeply with your product. But it's not just eye-candy; these demos offer critical insights too. You can monitor how potential customers interact with the walkthrough, giving you a roadmap for future conversations.

3. Boost Your Presence with Social Media

Social media isn't just for memes and vacation pics.Use it to boost your product's visibility. Take your interactive walkthroughs and splash them across platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Why? This does three big things for you. It ramps up awareness about your product, making it visible to a new audience. A catchy post can direct traffic back to your website, right where you want potential leads to be. It educates your audience. The more they interact with your walkthroughs, the better they get your product. It's a triple win: awareness, traffic, and education.

4. Measure, Refine, Repeat: The Final Piece of the Puzzle

You've read about the game-changing impact of interactive walkthroughs. You've seen how to make them engaging, actionable, and a seamless part of your lead gen strategy. So what's the last step?

Evaluate and Improve

  • Why It Matters: No strategy is ever perfect from the get-go. The real magic happens when you're able to iterate based on real-world data.
  • Crunch The Numbers: Dive deep into metrics like engagement rates, lead numbers, and conversion rates. Do they meet your goals?
  • Mind The Gap: If there's a difference between your goals and actual performance, don't panic. This is your roadmap for refinement.

Key Metrics

  • Session Length: Are users deeply engaged or just skimming through?
  • Bounce Rates: High bounce rates may mean your walkthrough isn't as compelling as it should be.
  • Click-Through Rates: Measure the effectiveness of your CTAs. Are users clicking where you want them to?

By consistently evaluating the impact of your walkthroughs and making data-driven tweaks, you're not just optimizing your content—you're building a smarter, more effective lead gen machine. And that's how you keep winning at lead generation today and tomorrow.

The Power of Proactive Lead Generation

You've discovered the undeniable impact of interactive walkthroughs. They capture attention, convert at higher rates, and give you actionable insights. But knowing isn't enough; now's the time for doing.

  • Craft walkthroughs that solve your prospects' pain points.
  • Use data for constant refinement.
  • Integrate these walkthroughs into your overall lead generation strategy.

Don't leave your lead generation to chance. Start implementing interactive walkthroughs today and watch your engagement and conversions soar. Are you ready to change the game?

Interactive Demo White Paper, 2024

Aksel Yap
Partner Sales Engineering

Aksel Yap, esteemed APAC presales leader. He leads SaaS growth at SailPoint, earned the TIBCO President's Club award three times, and possesses expertise in analytics, data science, iPaaS, and cybersecurity. With prior management roles at Merrill Lynch and ING, he brings a deep understanding of the B2B sales cycle.

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