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How to Move Prospects Through the Sales Cycle? [Essential Tips]

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The journey from a cold lead to a paying customer is not a sprint, but a marathon. According to HubSpot, the average length of a sales cycle is 84 days. However, a sales cycle can span anywhere from a few days to several months, depending on the complexity of the product or service being offered. This underscores the importance of planning, strategy, and consistent engagement throughout this journey. 

This often raises a crucial question for sales professionals: How can one effectively and efficiently move prospects through the sales cycle? 

This blog delves into essential tips and strategies to guide your leads seamlessly through each stage, ensuring a higher conversion rate and fostering lasting customer relationships. Let’s begin!

Understanding the Concept of the Sales Cycle

The sales cycle is a systematic series of steps or stages a salesperson follows to convert a prospect into a paying customer. It provides a structured approach to selling, ensuring that the sales team can consistently and effectively guide prospects toward making a purchase decision. While every organisation has a unique sales process suited to the product and clients they serve, the overarching structure looks roughly the same for all organisations.

8 Key Stages in the b2b sales cycle

  • Prospecting: Identifying potential customers or leads.
  • Making Contact: Initiating communication with the identified leads.
  • Qualifying the Lead: Assessing if the lead is a good fit for the product or service.
  • Discovery: Understanding and naming prospects' unique pain points 
  • Proof of Value: Introducing the product or service to the potential customer and demonstrating its fit to address the pain point
  • Handling Objections: Addressing any concerns or reservations the lead might have.
  • Closing the Sale: Finalising the deal and ensuring all necessary paperwork is completed.
  • Onboarding & Adoption: Engaging with the customer post-sale to ensure satisfaction and foster a long-term relationship.

Shocking Fact: 90% of Leads in Your Pipeline Won’t Convert to Purchase

In the realm of software sales, a harsh reality prevails: a staggering 90% of leads within your pipeline won’t convert into actual purchases. Yes, you read that right!  Despite the relentless efforts put forth by your revenue teams, most of the hard work invested falls short of bringing desired outcomes. 

That is why the Revenue Teams’ key focus has to be the constant improvement of the sales process, identification of the leads that may convert, and then moving them swiftly through the process. In essence, the key to elevating revenue figures lies in channeling an obsession towards sifting out the gems from the gravel, seamlessly propelling them through the sales cycle.

How to Improve Your Sales Cycle?

A streamlined sales cycle not only shortens the time taken to close deals but also ensures that the sales team's efforts are directed toward the most promising leads. Here's how you can refine your sales cycle:

1. Refine Lead Qualification Process

The foundation of a successful sales cycle lies in targeting the right prospects. Spending time on leads that aren't a good fit can drain resources and reduce overall efficiency.

Strategies for Refinement:

  • Adopt the BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Time) framework or similar methodologies to evaluate the potential of leads.
  • Regularly review and adjust the qualification criteria based on feedback from the sales team and changing market dynamics.
  • Use analytics to identify patterns in lead behavior and preferences, ensuring that the qualification process remains relevant.
  • Consider using Self-qualification: Many leads want to research on their own before buying. Some of these leads are just curious, they're not ready to buy but they want to know more. If they can’t find what they’re looking for online, they’ll reach out to your sales team, which can be a distraction. Solve this problem by offering an on-demand interactive demo gallery. This keeps the curious leads occupied and frees up your sales team to focus on stronger prospects.

2. Monitor the Average Time of Your Sales Cycle

Understanding the average time for each sales cycle can identify areas that slow things down. One frequent culprit? The time it takes to schedule meetings. Statistics show that it often takes 3-5 working days from the moment a lead clicks "Book a Demo" to the actual meeting. Another issue could be the week-long wait to produce a demo.

Strategies for Monitoring and Speeding Up Your Sales Cycle:

  • Utilise advanced analytics tools to track the progression of leads through each stage of the sales cycle.
  • Identify stages that consistently exhibit longer durations and investigate underlying causes.
  • Implement feedback loops with the sales team to gain firsthand insights into challenges they face during specific stages.
  • Consider automated scheduling tools that allow leads to pick meeting times that suit both parties, reducing delays.
  • Don’t keep leads waiting a week for a demo. Create an internal library of ready-to-use demos that your sales team can pull from and present right away.

3. Deploy Effective Training and Resources to the Sales Team

A proficient sales team, equipped with the right tools and knowledge, can navigate the sales cycle more effectively, addressing customer concerns and presenting solutions persuasively.

Strategies for Deployment:

  • Regularly update training modules to reflect the latest market trends, product updates, and sales techniques.
  • Organise hands-on workshops, role-playing sessions, and real-time feedback sessions to hone the team's skills.
  • Provide the team with updated resources, such as case studies, product demos, and competitor analysis, to bolster their sales pitches.

4. Implement Sales Automation Tools

Automation can drastically reduce repetitive tasks, ensuring that the sales team can dedicate more time to meaningful interactions and relationship-building.

Strategies for Implementation:

  • Integrate robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to automate essential tasks, from lead tracking to scheduled follow-ups.
  • Employ AI-driven chatbots for preliminary lead interactions, ensuring that potential customers receive immediate responses.
  • Harness the power of email automation tools to send timely, personalised follow-ups, keeping leads engaged throughout the sales cycle.

10 Tips on Moving Your Prospects Through the Sales Cycle

To effectively move your prospects through the sales cycle, it's essential to utilise the following tips to understand their needs, build trust, and deliver personalised demos.

1: Implement “Choose Your Own Journey” for Self Qualification 

Empower your prospects by allowing them to navigate through your offerings at their own pace. Implementing a "choose your own journey" approach on your website or platform can provide instant access to relevant information, ensuring that prospects find what they're looking for without feeling overwhelmed. That leads to prospects entering the sales process as educated leads ready to move swiftly toward purchase decisions. 

2. Understand Your Prospects With an Effective Discovery Call

Before diving into your pitch, initiate a discovery call to understand your prospect's needs, challenges, and goals. This call should be more about listening than talking. By asking open-ended questions, you can gather valuable insights that will help tailor your subsequent interactions to address their specific concerns. 

3. Reduce the Hassle of Scheduling & Delivering Live Demos

Simplify the process of booking and attending live demos. Use scheduling tools that integrate with calendars, allowing prospects to pick a convenient time. Ensure that the demo platform is user-friendly, requires minimal setup, and provides clear instructions ahead of time.

4. Engage All Stakeholders With Personalised Demos That Resonate

Recognize that different stakeholders have varied interests and concerns. Tailor your demos to address the specific needs of each stakeholder, highlighting features and benefits that resonate with their role and objectives.

5. Focus On Building Trust by Identifying Critical Challenges

Building trust is paramount in moving prospects through the sales cycle. Demonstrate a deep understanding of their challenges and position your product or service as a solution. By showcasing how you can alleviate their pain points, you establish credibility and foster trust.

6. Track Prospect Behaviour and Clear Objections Early On

Utilise analytics tools to monitor how prospects interact with your content and platform. By understanding their behavior, you can preemptively address potential objections. Addressing concerns early in the sales cycle can prevent them from becoming roadblocks later on.

7. Share Social Proof and Build Credibility

Testimonials, case studies, and reviews serve as powerful tools to validate your offerings. Sharing real-world success stories and positive feedback from existing customers can significantly enhance your credibility and reassure prospects about the value you bring.

8. Ensure Follow-Ups Are Done Effectively

Timely and relevant follow-ups can keep the momentum going. Instead of generic check-ins, provide additional value in each interaction, such as sharing a relevant article or offering insights tailored to the prospect's industry. Use CRM tools to schedule and track follow-up interactions.

9. Empower Your Champion

Champions are your biggest asset in the sales process. They are individuals who sell internally on your behalf. Make sure you provide them with the materials that are easy to use and land your narrative, without you being in the room. (e.g. Interactive Leave Behind Demo)

10. Invest in Demo Automation Platforms to Streamline Demo Delivery

Automated demo platforms can offer on-demand, interactive demos to prospects without the need for manual intervention. By investing in such platforms, you ensure that prospects can access demos at their convenience, leading to increased engagement and interest.

Bottom Line

Engaging customers, persuading them, and converting them are the intricate steps that every business must navigate carefully during the sales cycle. Each stage, from the initial spark of interest to the final handshake of agreement, is a testament to the delicate balance of strategy, timing, and connection. 

As we've explored, there are many ways to enhance this journey, ensuring that every prospect is not just a fleeting visitor but a potential long-term partner. However, in order to truly enhance the journey, you’ll need a demo automation platform like Demoboost for the features it offers:

1. Educate and Qualify Early with Demo Galleries: Why wait to qualify a prospect? A demo gallery can educate leads without delay, making the initial stages of qualification faster and more efficient.

2. Stimulate Discovery: Interactive demos are great conversation starters. They prompt prospects to open up about their challenges and pain points, providing invaluable insights for your sales team.

3. Speed Up Value Demonstration: Account Executives (AEs) can use ready-made interactive demos that only need minimal customization for specific opportunities. This speeds up the process and allows for quicker value demonstration.

4. Enable Your Champions: Sometimes you can't meet all decision-makers face-to-face. An interactive demo serves as an excellent tool for enabling internal champions to deliver your pitch to stakeholders you may not meet in person.

5. Personalize Your Closing Pitch: Interactive demos can include a "Choose Your Own Journey" survey that tailors the experience to each stakeholder's interest, making your closing pitch more compelling and personalized.

Book a demo today and explore its unparalleled features and integrations.

Global Software Sales Process Survey 2024

Pawel Jaszczurowski
CEO at Demoboost | EX - Salesforce | Forbes 30U30 Polska

Pawel is a Software Sales Expert and frontline practitioner with extensive experience in selling Salesforce solutions. Drawing on years of firsthand experience, Pawel has dedicated 100% of his focus to addressing the pain points encountered in software demoing to clients.

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