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Consensus vs Navattic: Which Demo Automation Platform Will Ensure Your Demo Goals?

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In the ever-evolving world of technology, businesses recognize the need to stay ahead of the curve. With the constant demands of consumers, companies have to come up with innovative ways to deliver their products and services. The challenge, however, lies in crafting that captivating demo - a process that can be as intricate as it is critical. One way to achieve this is through a demo automation platform

These platforms allow businesses to create high-quality demos in no time, ultimately driving customer engagement and boosting sales. Demo automation platforms like Consensus and Navattic promise to transform this daunting task into a breeze. But the question remains: which one will be the best fit for your team? In this blog post, "Consensus vs Navattic”, we’ll guide you through these two major players in the demo automation industry. 

We'll conduct an in-depth comparison between them, analyzing their features, evaluating their benefits, and inspecting their user experiences, integrations, pricing, security, and more. Let’s begin.

What is Consensus?

Consensus is a demo automation platform providing custom video demos to the viewers. The uniqueness of Consensus lies in its dynamic video experience and personalized demonstration based on each prospect's needs and interests. It offers a comprehensive and informative demo that helps prospects to make informed decisions.

Consensus solely focuses on selling in between the meetings and cater for ‘I was to see’ buyer’s need while allowing the demo visitors to touch the product. 

Consensus aims to reduce the number of unproductive demos and shorten the sales cycle, making the process efficient and less time-consuming. The system empowers prospects to gain a deeper understanding of the product/service and adds tremendous value to their decision-making process.

Consensus offers sales teams the invaluable tool of qualification questions. These questions determine prospects' individual needs, allowing sales teams to tailor their pitch to the specific requirements of each prospect. Understanding prospects' requirements provide teams with actionable insights to deliver a more effective and persuasive pitch.

What is Navattic?

Navattic is an innovative demo platform that caters to marketing teams by providing interactive product demonstrations. It effectively empowers marketing teams with the tools to create captivating demos without requiring any coding or engineering skills, truly revolutionizing the industry. With its cutting-edge features, Navattic allows users to overlay interactive guides and edit screen captures to enhance the user experience.

What sets Navattic apart from its competitors is its ability to provide a controlled and customized demo environment personalized to the user's satisfaction within a few clicks. Navattic's unique selling proposition stems from its advanced HTML capture technology, which creates vivid and immersive demos compared to screenshot-based alternatives. Moreover, Navattic's deployment of branching and checklist features empowers users to create non-linear tours, enabling prospects to select the appropriate demo path.

By leveraging its impressive capabilities, Navattic satisfies marketers' need to optimize their sales funnel while facilitating efficient lead conversions. The platform encourages prospects to take prompt action, while their experience is shared among their team and internal decision-makers, thereby increasing customer activation and prospect engagement.

Consensus vs Navattic: Side-by-Side Comparison

Whether it's Consensus or Navattic, each offers unique benefits that can take your demos to the next level. Here’s a comparison table that will help.

Consensus vs Navattic: Feature Comparison

When it comes to choosing between Consensus and Navattic, it's essential to consider their feature sets, as this will strongly impact the success of your business.

Consensus vs Navattic: User Experience

While Consensus heavily relies on video recordings for its lead qualification process, Navattic places great emphasis on providing its prospects with an exceptional buying experience facilitated by an intuitive UI/UX design. Consensus' use of video content is certainly engaging, but it requires significant preparation and effort, potentially leading to a monotonous user experience if not expertly crafted. 

On the other hand, Navattic surpasses its competitor with an innovative "magic editor" that enables sales teams to create customizable demos without any engineering work. Moreover, while Consensus requires multiple videos of varying lengths, further complicating the execution of its use case, Navattic keeps things simple with its efficient interactive demo creation process.

The stark contrast in approach between Consensus and Navattic is evident in the feedback received by customers. While Consensus' reliance on video content can become tedious, Navattic's "magic editor" has received widespread acclaim for its user-friendly interface and ability to generate interactive demos with ease.

Consensus vs Navattic: Advance Features

While Consensus and Navattic both offer advanced features for businesses aiming to enhance their sales process, there are notable differences between the two. Let's take a closer look at their individual strengths:


  • Intelligent demo automation: Consensus scales presales by using video demos, which enable buyers to get a better sense of the product. Its simple interface makes it easy to record videos and build engaging demos, thereby shortening the sales cycle.
  • Decision stakeholder mapping: Consensus is adept at identifying key stakeholders and understanding their unique needs and preferences, allowing sales pitches and marketing efforts to be tailored accordingly. This increases the likelihood of closing a deal.
  • Personalized Demo Experience: Consensus offers a "Choose Your Own Journey" approach, allowing prospects to direct their learning experience, focus on their interests, and learn on their own terms.


  • Simple User Interface: Navattic's easy-to-use interface makes the process of creating a demo relatively short and painless, taking less than 30 minutes. The streamlined interface is perfect for companies that require speedy and efficient solutions.
  • Overlay Guides Assistance: Navattic's in-context overlay guides offer clients valuable insight and guidance on how to use the product. This allows clients to familiarize themselves with the technology without seeking external assistance, thereby reducing costs and creating a sense of independence.
  • Versatile Third-Party Integration: Navattic's platforms can be easily integrated with other sales, marketing automation tools, and CRMs, making the adoption process seamless. The versatility of the platform ensures that clients can continue using the tools they find most useful and suitable for their needs.

Consensus vs Navattic: Integrations

Consensus and Navattic both offer integrations that streamline workflows and improve productivity, but they differ in their approach and offerings.

Consensus takes pride in integrating with well-known platforms such as Salesforce and Asana, allowing users to collect and directly include Demo View data within their Salesforce account and automate tasks with Asana. This offers users improved efficiency and accuracy in their sales processes and task management.

Navattic, on the other hand, boasts of a wide range of integrations with various tools such as Salesforce, Marketo, Hubspot, Google Analytics, Segment, and Zapier. These integrations empower businesses to track user conversion and engagement data, swiftly and seamlessly share that data with analytics platforms.

Consensus vs Navattic: Time to implement

Navattic prides itself on delivering live demos to its clients within two weeks of purchase. Navattic's self-guided demos are designed for quick implementation, with a demo of any length created in as little as 30 minutes to an hour. This speedy process has been received positively by customers, who appreciate the time savings and ease of use when compared to traditional product demo videos.

Consensus however may be more time-consuming to implement as recording videos of different lengths to cater for a single Choose Your Own Journey Demo is widely said to be challenging and time-consuming. 

Ultimately, the decision between Consensus and Navattic comes down to individual needs and priorities. Those who value collaboration and consensus building may prefer Consensus, while those who prioritize speed and convenience may find Navattic to be a better fit.

Consensus vs Navattic: Pricing

Consensus adopts a customized approach that permits businesses to have more control over their budgeting and planning battles. However, clients must fill out a form to gain more detailed pricing specifics, catering to value-based pricing. Meanwhile, Navattic embraces transparency and scalability with its standardized public pricing model. It offers two plans, Base and Premium, priced at $500 and $1,000 per month, respectively, with unlimited usage and demo views. 

While the Base is suitable for smaller organizations, the Premium plan offers additional perks such as Single Sign-On and dedicated success managers, catering to more extensive corporations.

Analyzing both pricing tactics highlights the respective firms' value propositions and expertise areas. Consensus exhibits its strength in offering tailored solutions while Navattic displays its proficiency in standardization and accessibility. Consensus pricing is seen as flexible and adaptable to individual client needs, which can be enticing for those seeking unique solutions. On the other hand, Navattic's pricing model, although standardized, presents ease of access and predictability for businesses.

Consensus vs Navattic: Analytics & Insights

Consensus stands out for its ability to generate personalized demos on-demand and prioritize demo-qualified leads (DQL), while Navattic touts its engagement tracking system and the importance of embedding demos on websites.

Consensus provides rich qualification insights and helps map out stakeholders within the buyer organization. However, it misses out on product engagement insights. 

On the other hand, Navattic's engagement tracking system is a valuable tool for understanding how prospects interact with demos. 

While both platforms offer robust analytics features, it's essential to note that neither Consensus nor Navattic provides Live Demo Analytics or Channel Partner level analytics. 

Consensus vs Navattic: Customer Support

Consensus has taken a personalized approach to customer support, showcasing its commitment to delivering a seamless experience to its clients. Their website offers clients a quick and efficient means of engaging their support team via email and assures them of prompt responses and resolution to their issues. This personalized touch undoubtedly leaves clients feeling valued and supported, which can translate to increased loyalty in the long run.

Navattic, on the other hand, has centered its brand on delivering exceptional customer support. They operate a customer-centric approach that embodies the ethos of accessibility and prompt issue resolution. Their phone and email lines are readily available, ensuring clients always have a direct line to their support team. 

None of the platforms offers help in building out the demo gallery with the client. 

Consensus vs Navattic: Security

Consensus takes a multi-layered approach to security, employing role-based access controls, data encryption in transit and at rest, audit logs, and activity tracking to secure their systems against both internal and external threats. Moreover, their SOC 2 Type 2 certification verifies the strength of their security infrastructure, instilling confidence in customers and prospects alike.

In contrast, Navattic's security policies cover a vast range of topics and are continually updated and shared with all employees. Their SOC 2 Type 2 certification, also renowned in the industry, demonstrates their ability to meet the exacting security standards set by AICPA. Furthermore, regular external audits ensure their SOC 2 Type 2 compliance remains uncompromised.

Navattic also leverages AES-256 encryption and HTTPS/TLS for data in transit to maintain a robust security posture. While neither platform is fully GDPR compliant due to their location outside the EU, they both place immense value on customer privacy and security. 

Consensus vs Navattic: Which one should you choose?

Whether to choose Consensus or Navattic depends on the unique value propositions offered by each platform.

Choose Consensus if: 

  • You are looking to implement a new demo touch point into your sales process- the in between the meeting demo. 
  • You want to streamline stakeholder mapping and lead qualification effortlessly
  • Geographical expansion isn't the main concern. 

Choose Navattic if: 

  • You want a comprehensive website demo library for creating demos in a single platform
  • A hassle-free user interface for both administrators and users is crucial to you
  • You want a platform that adapts to your expanding needs, ensuring it grows with you.

Have you thought about alternatives to Consensus & Navattic?

Demoboost is a demo automation platform dedicated to assisting businesses in optimizing their sales strategies while simultaneously ensuring maximum engagement with their clients. It stands out from other sales support services by offering an array of unparalleled features that will ensure success in achieving business objectives. With Demoboost, clients can access analytical tools, glean important insights, and obtain well-crafted stakeholder maps to aid in decision-making.

At the core of the Demoboost experience is a strong user-focused design, providing on-demand use cases to keep clients engaged. This on-demand functionality has boosted the platform's efficacy and attests to a median demo completion rate of 88%. Clients laud Demoboost for delivering a high satisfaction rate; the average NPS score of 89% is a testament to the platform's excellence. 

Above all, Demoboost's standout feature is its exceptional analytic capabilities. Users can leverage the platform's functionality to measure the effectiveness of demos, obtain valuable insights, and optimize demos for better performance.

Why Demoboost can be a better choice for your team?

If you're aiming to expand your business and improve your sales performance, then Demoboost should definitely be at the top of your list. There are numerous reasons why Demoboost is a better option compared to its competitors.

  • Demoboost offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows your team to easily showcase your software product with efficiency, leading to increased success rates that elevate your business
  • Achieving global partnerships with personalized demo libraries tailored to your organization's needs is made easy with Demoboost, strengthening your network and increasing your reach
  • The demo insights feature provided by Demoboost delivers interactive and reliable analytics, empowering your team to optimize your interactive product demos and turn prospects into conversions
  • Demoboost has tools that boost audience engagement, such as live demo assistance and speaker notes, enabling your team to make effective presentations
  • With a median completion rate that almost reaches 90%, significantly higher than other platforms in the industry, Demoboost promotes increased conversion rates that drive sales and revenue growth
  • The partnerships Demoboost has established with industry leaders like Veritas demonstrate their competency in delivering positive results, placing successful sales as their priority, and ensuring your business success
  • Dedicated support from Demoboost guarantees seamless adoption and optimization of your sales processes, leading to an efficient and effective system
  • Demoboost's enterprise-grade security features allow your team to concentrate on the core of your business by securing your typically sensitive data and demos, giving you peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. What is a demo automation platform?

A demo automation platform enables businesses to deliver impressive product demonstrations, without the need for a physical presenter. Commonly used in marketing and sales, these platforms manage demos in an automated manner, whilst showcasing a product's features and benefits in an informative and engaging way.

Q2. What are the key features of Consensus?

Consensus offers intelligent demo automation for presales, utilizing video demos to enhance buyers' understanding of products, ultimately shortening sales cycles. Its decision stakeholder mapping skill identifies unique consumer needs and preferences, guiding tailored sales pitches. Prospects can also customize their learning experience via the "Choose Your Own Journey" feature.

Q3. What are the key features of Navattic?

Navattic is a user-friendly demo creation platform that offers efficient navigation through a simple yet intuitive interface. Novel in-context overlays guide users, rendering any need for assistance moot. The software ensures superior adoption by seamlessly integrating with various automation tools and CRMs.

Q4. What are the pros and cons of Consensus?

Consensus offers a smooth decision-making process with a "choose your own journey" feature and stakeholder mapping. Demo recordings boost efficiency. However, it lacks interactive engagement with customers, creating a challenge to compile varied videos. Moreover, scaling across geographies is hindered by the need to record fresh versions.

Q5. What are the pros and cons of Navattic?

Navattic's personalized demo stories put users in complete control of text and images while offering detailed analytics. However, the low engagement rates ranging from 25-40% could be improved, and some sales-oriented companies may require a more direct approach. Additionally, customer success teams have reported inadequate support with demo creation.

Q6. Which demo automation platform is better than Consensus & Navattic?

Demoboost is the ultimate champion of demo automation, surpassing both Consensus and Navattic. Its intuitive user interface, versatile adaptability, and advanced editor and analytics features provide unparalleled sales team insights. Without a doubt, Demoboost simplifies the demo-building process and delivers unbeatable results.

Q7. What are the top alternatives of Consensus & Navattic?

If you’re looking for alternatives to Consensus and Navattic then Demoboost, Walnut, Reprise, Demostack, and Saleo can be a great choice. These cutting-edge tools boast user-friendly interfaces, great analytics, and insights with top-notch security measures. Plus, each one offers unique benefits and covers a wide range of requirements.

Gautham Nagaraj
GTM Strategist

Gautham Nagaraj, an experienced inbound marketer, has excelled in SaaS and sales-tech domains, mastering digital marketing, data-driven decision-making, and efficient activations. His continuous presence in these dynamic fields yields valuable insights for tangible results.

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