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6 Stunning Interactive Product Demo Examples To Get Inspired From [2025]

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6 Stunning Interactive Product Demo Examples To Get Inspired From [2024]
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Interactive product demos are revolutionizing B2B software sales. These immersive and engaging tools are not only captivating but also incredibly versatile. The true beauty of interactive demos lies in their adaptability; they can be tailored to address specific needs, tell compelling stories, and achieve distinct business objectives. Creators of these demos have showcased remarkable creativity, crafting fantastic examples that inspire and excite. At Demoboost, we’ve curated a list of inspiring examples of interactive demos to spark your imagination and help you envision how to present your product to potential buyers.

Interactive product demos are like Swiss Army knives in your conversion toolkit. While tailoring demos to specific needs is essential, you’ve only scratched the surface of the interactive demo’s true potential. 

Whether you’re looking to shorten sales cycles, improve lead qualification, or enhance the buyer experience, these demos offer a powerful solution. TBH, the possibilities are endless.  

Let’s have a look at six standout interactive product demo examples that will help you envision new ways to showcase your product to potential buyers and transform your sales strategy.

Hitachi’s Customized Journey for Prospects

Hitachi, a global technology leader, recognised that prospects might have different preferences for the type of content they are consuming. Their mission was to create the most buyer friendly experience for each and every one of them.

To achieve this, Hitachi provided prospects with four crisp options using interactive product demos:

  1. Video Demos: Quick and engaging visual overviews.
  2. Short Interactive Demos (5 minutes): Brief yet interactive experiences.
  3. Long Interactive Demos (10 minutes): More detailed, yet still guided explorations.
  4. Complete Sandbox Experience: A hands-on environment replicating the real-world product.

These options allowed visitors to explore different sections within the demo depending on their preference. Whether it was a shorter tour, a deep dive, or a sandbox experience, prospects could click through and discover the product in a format that was most convenient. 

This approach transformed passive viewing into an active, real-time experience. Buyers could click, navigate, and discover features, gaining a thorough understanding of the product’s value.

Spryker’s Use Case Focused Disco Demos 

The term ‘Disco Demo’ represents a strategic point in the buyer’s journey where the primary objective is to gather valuable information from the prospect. Traditionally the discovery stage meant an interrogation-like session where the vendor asked questions to identify the buyer's pain point. Nowadays however, the leading B2B software organisations manage to create more engaging experiences during discovery sessions. The solution here is the ‘Disco Demo’

Spryker, a leading e-commerce business, enhances buyer experiences through its innovative products. Their commitment to excellence is evident in their sales process too.  Understanding the importance of an effective and engaging discovery stage, Spryker introduced the “Disco Demo.” 

The intro screen to this demo presents a ‘Manu’ of most common pain points that Soryker’s solution caters for. Instead of asking questions the sales rep presents this list of possible challenges and asks the buyer to identify which one they would like to explore. Before presenting a glimpse of the solution, the conversations start flowing about this specific challenge, its symptoms and importance for the buyer.

The attached micro-demo serves as a reward for the prospect’s engagement and information sharing. By offering a menu of options, Spryker sparks discussions and creates conversation starters instead of traditional interrogations. 

There is additional benefit to using Menus in the discovery too. Often, a prospect may enter a meeting focused on finding a solution to a specific problem. However, upon seeing the range of pains experienced by their peers, they may become interested in exploring additional possibilities. 

This approach helps to expand the prospect’s line of vision, opening up new opportunities for engagement and solution discovery. Based on the options chosen, Spryker gained valuable information that helps drive the deal forward.

Devskiller Empowers Prospects with Non-linear Demos 

Devskiller, a tech skills assessment platform, looked for a deal nurturing solution as their mid-funnel stages dragged out too long. At this stage Devskiller was dealing with fairly educated buyers and the objective was to build the deal momentum and draw the buyer into further conversations.  

Devsiller built a deep dive demo, which was perfectly suited to the level of education of their buyers. The challenge was the length of this demo. Conveying this level of information created a fairly long dome and the risk was that the buyer would get disengaged.

Devskiller wanted to avoid overwhelming potential buyers with too much information and instead provide a tailored experience.

Solution? Non-linear demos…

Non-linear demos are all about giving viewers the freedom to explore your solution at their own pace and according to their interests. Instead of following a predetermined flow, viewers can jump to different sections of the demo as they see fit. 

By allowing them to navigate the demo journey independently, you acknowledge their autonomy and respect their preferences. In this way, the viewer truly becomes the king, deciding how they want to interact with your product and what they want to learn about it. By giving them the freedom to explore different sections as they see fit, you provide a more engaging and personalized experience

Selling Inbeween Meetings with Follow-up Demos

Selling in between meetings refers to the art of engaging prospects between scheduled meetings. It’s about keeping the conversation alive, educating to the point, and reinforcing your value proposition during those gaps between scheduled interactions. 

Imagine this scenario: Your Account Executive (AE) has just completed an awesome demo with your potential buyer. And here’s exactly how you can use interactive product demos in creative ways

  • Reinforcing Your Message

After the meeting, your AE sends a personalized demo to the prospect based on the points discussed during the call. This helps clarify anything that might not have been crystal clear during the meeting. Result? The demo becomes an extension of your sales conversation, reinforcing key points and product capabilities. 

  • Answering Unanswered Questions:

Often during the live sessions there are questions that are left with a comment ‘let me get back to you’. Those can be answered with a follow up demo. After the meeting the AE shared a demo specifically addressing the question, creating an opportunity to keep the conversation going and further educating the buyer between the meetings. 

  • Keeping the Deal Progressing

Here’s the magic: Even when the meeting room is empty and people have gone home, the demo keeps working. It’s like having your AE on standby, ready to chat whenever the prospect hits play. The deal stays warm, and momentum builds.

So, selling in between meetings isn’t just a concept; it’s a game-changer. It’s about gaining access to your prospects when they’re most engaged. And those extra months of sales? Consider them your secret weapon. 

Send Payments demonstrates its capabilities through a Mobile App Interactive Demo  

Mobile app demo videos have become a crucial tool for showcasing how an app or its features work. Can the Interactive Demos also showcase the mobile app capabilities? The short answer is YES! 

At Demoboost, we help our clients recreate mobile apps in a responsive and engaging manner. Our platform allows you to seamlessly mix and match desktop and mobile experiences, creating a fluid and cohesive journey for your users. 

This flexibility not only enhances user engagement but also provides a comprehensive view of how your product performs across different devices. It’s this attention to detail and user experience that makes the buying journey truly exceptional.

Reinventing Buyer Enablement by integrating Chat Bots into an Interactive Product Demo 

Chatbots have become the gold standard for engaging with prospects on websites, offering real-time interaction and personalized responses. 

The same experience can be served within the interactive product demos, elevating the demo engagement to a new level. 

Imagine a demo that not only showcases your product but also allows viewers to ask the questions and find answers real time. This integration makes the demo conversational, enabling prospects to ask questions and receive instant answers as they explore the product. 

This seamless blend of demonstration and interaction ensures that viewers remain engaged, informed, and more likely to convert into customers. It’s a powerful way to create a dynamic and immersive experience that meets the needs of today’s tech-savvy audience.

Sigma has effectively integrated this approach with Demoboost. They feature a “Take a Product Tour” option right under the “Chat with an Expert” button in their chatbot. 

When users click on “Take a Tour,” they can choose which feature they want to tour. These step-by-step walkthroughs prepare users to dive back into the tool and explore the product on their own, without needing additional support.

To wrap up…

Sky's the limit for interactive product demos. By leveraging the power of these dynamic interactive product demos, you can get creative and impress your prospects in ways that static presentations simply can’t match. 

Whether it’s through immersive walkthroughs, real-time product experience, or personalized feature exploration –, interactive demos offer endless possibilities to engage your audience more creatively and effectively. 

So, don’t hold back—explore the full potential of interactive product demos and watch your engagement and conversions soar! 🚀

Let’s talk

Pawel Jaszczurowski
CEO at Demoboost | EX - Salesforce | Forbes 30U30 Polska

Pawel is a Software Sales Expert and frontline practitioner with extensive experience in selling Salesforce solutions. Drawing on years of firsthand experience, Pawel has dedicated 100% of his focus to addressing the pain points encountered in software demoing to clients.

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